The Game Plan.

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NOTE: If this is your first time reading, I have edited Game Plan. I have added more detail to some of the chapters, but mostly nothing's changed. 

I hold my bag closer to my chest as I got out of the car. I stand there, staring at the three-story white house in front of me. My mom paces herself over to me. I turn to her to see my little sister, Jade was asleep in her arms. She rubs her hands through her soft, curly auburn hair. My scruffy dog, Rocky rubs against my legs as I continue to stare in front of me.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She says as she walks away.

I bend down to Rocky and I pet his soft fur a little. 

He barks and I just continue to pet him, "I'm scared, boy."

"Lucy!" my mom calls.

"Come on." I walk towards the house and we walk inside.

My eyes pace around the room. I notice a small fire place below where the television sits on the wall, which was surrounded by a full brown couch and a rocking chair. The living and dining room were adjoined. I saw the long dining table with several chairs surrounding it. Although, we were a small family. Family portraits of us were hanging from the walls. 

I stare at the photograph in front of me of my family and I. I notice how bright the sun was behind us. I could feel how hot it was on that day by glancing at the photo. I take a deep breath and continue to explore the house. I open the door to walk into the kitchen. My eyes glance around the white walls,  the fresh lightly colored wood below my feet, and the same color wood was on the cabinets. I rub my hand against the wooden, white top island. I lift myself up to sit on top. I catch a glimpse of her walking in. 

"Butt off the island." She tells me as she walks in, carrying boxes. 

I jump down, making my way to the living room. I walk upstairs to see the rooms. I stop by the first room at the top of the stairs. I spot the lavender covered walls, which makes me enter. I knew this was my room due to the white and lilac bed sheets. I jump onto my bed, looking at the stacked boxes next to it.  I sit on the edge of the bed to open them as Rocky sat on my bed. I decide to play some music from my phone to pass me by. 

Tomorrow was going to be my first day at Midtown High School. Was I nervous? I wasn't even sure. I was positive that I wanted to hurry up and hope it would go by fast. I continue to explore after I unpacked. I make my way to the basement, which was empty while other boxes that my mom didn't unpack fills half the room. I realize there was a bar in the corner. I sit down at the bar, staring at the sealed liquor bottles. She comes down the stairs and stands there, looking at the basement.

"Not bad." she says, nodding. 

"It's big." I shrug my shoulders.

"Very big. I don't know about the bar." She points at as she walks over. 

"It looks cool. I like it."

"Huh," She pauses for a second, "I didn't know if I should've brought it but here," She hands me a silver bracelet with a few charms hanging from it. 

"What's this?" I look at the charms and back at her.

"Your grandma's good luck charm. I've been using it for a while but I figured you should have it. Junior year almost closing in and then senior year coming in."

"Does it work?"

"I didn't think so but yes."

"Thanks, Mom." I pulled her in for a hug.

"Alright. Dinner is almost ready, come on." She makes her way upstairs.

I look at the bracelet a little while longer and then went upstairs.

The Game Plan. • j.b.[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now