A Reminder.

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We headed back to school after free period. I walked into Art and I went over to my canvas. I sat down on my stool and stared it blankly. I don't know how to draw. I could only be artistic with words. I took a deep breath and then I felt another presence. I turned to see Justin. I smiled slightly at him, suddenly feeling better.

"Better now?" he asked me.

"A little."

I felt like the more we talked the more impossible it would be to not fall for him. I continued to stare at the canvas.

"No ideas?"

"I can only express myself with words."

He took a deep breath and grabbed a stool.

He pulled it closer to me and sat down. "My mom wants to meet you. She's worried I might be hanging out with a criminal. So, I need some proof that you're...at least innocent."

We both chuckled lightly. "This part of your plan?"

His smile disappeared. "What plan?"

"Somebody told me I was the first girl you haven't fucked. So, you're using your mom as an excuse to get me to your house and---"

He placed his hand over my mouth and I screamed a little. "Are you done?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded.

He moved his hand. "This isn't about getting into your pants, it's about getting to know you." He got up and walked away.

A part of me didn't want to trust him. I didn't want to look stupid again.

After school, I got some information on where Justin lived. I wanted to get there before he did. Arden had to tag along and I know she wasn't sure if this was a good idea. I pressed the button to ring the doorbell and we waited.

"Like I said, this is a bad idea." she whispers.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Not meet his mom right away."

The door opens. A average height brunette girl stood there in a robe. She looked our age which had me confused.

Arden rolls her eyes. "Oh great, we caught one of his groupies." 

"Excuse me?" the brunette says, folding her arms.

I shake my head. "Uh, I was looking for Justin's mom."

"She's not here. She just left actually."

"Any idea when she'll be back."

"Why don't you ask him?"

We turned around to see Justin walking towards us. "Welcome to mi casa. This is Caitlin." He says, smiling at her.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him angrily.

His smile went away and he bit his bottom lip. "What?"

"Did you fuck her?"

"No. Of course not."

I scoff lightly as I walk past him.

He grabbed me by my shoulders. "Remember when I told you I couldn't see myself being committed to one girl? Caitlin was uh my first. She's been staying here while her parents are out of town."

"But you didn't fuck her...that's hilarious."

"I haven't."

"Where's your mom?"

He groaned, letting me go."She texts me in last period saying she's going to the Bahamas with a few friends. She's never home so let's do what I do best."

"What's that?" Arden asks.

"Eat tons of junk food, play video games, and hang out with a bunch of beautiful girls. You two fit that profile." He winks at me and walks off.

I smile to myself a little.

Arden shakes her head, whispering, "No." to me.

I rolled my eyes as we made our way back to his house.

I stared at Tyler. I wanted to know if he still talked to Sean. Even though I shouldn't care. I had to know. I turned over on the couch and then I felt someone sit on me. I screamed for help, realizing it was Justin. He laughed as he started hitting me with the pillow.

"Get up and be social!" he yells at me, continuing to hit me with the pillow.

"Haven't you heard...I'm an anti-socialist! Now, get off of me!"

"Nope. I mean, I do have some gas.."

"I will hurt you, oh my god!" I scream.

"Like you have that ability. Just come say hi, they don't bite."

"Unless you're into that." Chaz says, smiling, not taking his attention off of the screen.

"I'm good on the couch." I start hitting him and he finally gets off of me.

I threw a pillow at him and he laughs. I saw Arden looking at me. I sighed as my smile disappears. I wanted to talk to Tyler. I had questions for him. Questions like what the hell was he doing here and not in SD. He went into the kitchen and I followed him.

"So, how's Sean?" I asked him, leaning onto the counter.

He turned around as he opened a can of Pepsi, "Wouldn't know. I stopped talking to him after that incident." "Oh. Talk to anyone else from SD?"

"Hm. Gracie asked about you."

I smiled a little. "How are you two doing? You know, with your relationship."

"We have our ups and downs. Mostly downs but were good." I just nod and he decides to continue. "You and Justin are getting close."

"Just friends."

"No need to try to convince me on that. I think it's good you're friends with him."


"Yeah, you're a good influence."

He walks away and I had to give myself credit for what he said. Maybe I was a good influence but that wouldn't stop him from messing around with other girls.

A few seconds later, Justin walked in. "Hey, you're into music right?" he asked, smiling at me.

"A little. Why?"

"I wanna show you something."

He led me downstairs. He turns on the light and I start to look around. He had a wall full of guitars, all in different colors. Blue, brown, green, etc.

"You play?" I asked, walking over to them.

"A little. I want you to meet my baby though."

"Your baby?" I turned and he hands me a acoustic guitar.

"Most of my songs are acoustic."

"Do you sing too?"

He chuckled awkwardly. "Maybe."

"Hm. You should write a song about me. That'd be cool. Since were best friends and all."

"I can promise you that." I looked up to see him smiling at me.

I knew this whole not falling for him plan was going to be hard.
Very hard.

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