First Love.

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There's history behind the PotHeads.

They stay under the bleachers for hours.

They're there in the morning, after lunch/free period, and last period.

Do they smoke every single time? Not exactly. Their whole hide out is filled with bongs, cigars, and a hookah machine.  How did they get their name? It goes way back in time from when people's parents went here. 

Jimmy Tanner was the leader. He wore these open finger black gloves, never took them off. 

I went outside to see that Lucy was gone and someone pulled me off to the side. I looked up to see Chaz and he kept his eye on them.

"Where the hell is she?" I asked.

"She went back to class." He shrugs. 

"What exactly did he do?"

"He took a hit, kissed her, and blew the smoke in her face. She was amazed by it." He puts on a goofy smile and rolls his eyes.

"She's going to go back." I shake my head.

"Back to what?"


"Lucy was on drugs?"

"She was helping a drug mule."

"Shut the fu -"

"Or Jimmy might just be helping her with the pain."

"I like that thought better."

"But by kissing her? There's no in hell I'm letting that happen."

I walk back inside the school with Chaz and we head back to class. I bumped into her, coming out of the girl's bathroom. I looked at her and she looked sick.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

She just nods and she bites her bottom lip.

"Lucy, you look--"

"Like shit." Chaz butts in.

I look at him and he throws his hands up in surrender, "Sorry."

I look back at her. "He's right. I'm-I'm not feeling good. I gotta go home." she says slowly.  

"If Jimmy gave you something--"

"He didn't. It's just cramps." She walks past me and I look at him.

"She threw the menstrual cycle at you." Chaz jokes.

"Think she's serious?"

"I don't know. When that thing comes, girls are just very emotional."

"That explains a lot."

"You should show up at her door with junk food. Just to show her you love her."

"I have to show it?"

"Oh god." He shakes his head as he walks away.

"What? It was a question!" I follow him.

"Shut up."


I listened to Chaz and we stopped by the store. I grabbed a few chocolate candy bags with ice cream. We stood in front of the personal care aisle. We walked over to the shelves that female care products. We looked at them, confused. Chaz leaned against the shopping cart.

"This is so difficult." I whispered.

"I think it matters which one we get."

"It does?"

"All girls are different. I mean, every teenage girl wears tampons right?"

"I'm hoping." I continued to stare at them.

"Having trouble?" I heard a girl ask.

Out the corner of my eye, I could tell she was a blonde.

"Oh no, we got this." Chaz says to her.

"No, we don't." I shook my head.

"For your sister or something?"

"Oh no. She's got years before this happens."

"How old is this girl?"


"Hm. Get her the regular ones. The ones with the U on it."

I grabbed the black bag and threw it in the basket.

"There are sizes?" he asked.

"Yeah. Depends on the girl. But regulars should work fine for her."

"Thank you."

"Oh, and get the liners too. Just in case."

She grabs them for me and places them in the cart. She smiles as she walks away.

"We had to get help from a girl, thanks dude."

"Oh, like you're an expert." --

 I knocked on her door and it opens slowly. Lucy peeps her head through. She looked like she just woke up her a deep sleep.

She looks down at the bags. "What are those?"

"For you."

She looks at me, confused and she opens the door wide enough for us to walk in. Chaz pours out everything in the bag in the living room.

I handed her another bag, "These are for you."

She takes a peek in the side in the bag, "You bought me tampons?"

"Uh, yea--yeah."

"Oh, and these are liners, I believe." Chaz says, handing another bag to her.

She had a little smirk on her face as if she was trying to hold back her laugh.

"I have enough tampons, thank you. Liners too." She covers her mouth.

"Just laugh at us." I tell her.

She moves her hand. "No, no. I think it's cute you guys did this and all this chocolate, ice cream, wow."

Arden comes downstairs and looks at the mess on the floor. "What the hell is going on here?"

"They bought me tampons."

"What?" She looks in the bag, giggling. "That's so cute. Well, we can't let this chocolate go to waste." She grabs a chocolate bar from the pile.

I turned back to Lucy as she tries to sit down next to me. She exhales slowly, leaning her head on the couch.

"Being a girl is so hard."

"Are you okay?"

"My stomach hurts, that's all."

"That reminds me." I grabbed my bag and handed her a blue heating pad.

"My mom told me to give it to you."

She laughs for a second. "What?" "What are you trying to do, Bieber?"

"Get my girl back."

"By buttering her up with tampons, chocolate and a heating pad."

"Yeah!" She giggles softly.

I missed her laugh. Her smile.

"I have to tell you something, Lucy."


"You were right about Caitlin."

She looks at me, confused.

"I still do care about her and I know you still care about Sean. Which makes this even more difficult for us."

"How the hell did you figure that?"

"You never stop caring about your first love, that's how." 


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