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| Lucy's POV |

During free period, I decided to explore the school a little more. There was a court yard with a few tables where kids sat during lunch time or just to hang out.  I see Terri and she signals for me to come over. As I sit down, I notice a guy with dark hair and piercing murky eyes. I catch a glimpse of his large combat boots. He smiles at me once my eyes meet his.

"Lucy, this is Vinny. Vinny, this is Lucy." Terri introduces us.

I just smile at him. I wasn't much of a talker. I didn't have much of an explanation for being anti-social. 

"Terri told me you're a writer. So, what kind of books do you write?" He asks me while texting, eyes buried in his phone.

"I'm into a lot romance but I love for my stories to have some drama in them."

"You had at me romance."

I giggled softly. "So, this school is based on cliques?"

"Isn't every school?" Terri asks, smiling.

"Not all. Here, you just hang out with people who share the same interests." He puts his phone down.

"I'm diverse."

She smiles at me and the bell rings.

"Ugh. This day is almost over. Two more classes." He groans as we get up.

I look at my schedule and notice Art was my next class.

I had interest in art. I didn't know how to draw though. I was good with stick figures. I walk into the classroom that was filled with stools and paint canvas'. The sharp smell of paint with the flowery smell fills the area. The teacher, Mr. Henry smiles at me. He looked older with darker brown hair and brown eyes. Before choosing a canvas, I grab an smock and wrap it around my body. 

"You may begin." he says, before sitting down at his desk. 

Begin?  I wasn't even sure what I wanted to draw. I begin with blue and just painted a small half of the canvas. I continue to do that with all of the other colors. A few minutes later, I felt someone tap on my shoulder, I turn to see that boy from my English class earlier.

"Excuse me, you dropped this." he says, handing me a paint brush.

"Oh, that's not mine." I turn back to the canvas, dipping the brush into the paint. 

"I know. I needed an excuse to come talk to you."

I turn back to him slowly. Was he hitting on me? Me?

"Ohh. Uh,"

"I'm Justin. Lucy, right?"

"Yeah." I bit my bottom lip.

"Justin, get back to your station." Mr. Henry says.

"Okay Mr. H, just returning something," He looks back at me and I felt my stomach sink a little. "There's this party tomorrow night. Promise to come?"

"Parties aren't really my thing."

"Then I'll skip it and we'll just hang out."

I scoff lightly. "We will?"

"Justin." Mr. Henry says in a more serious tone. 

"Yeah. I'll see you later." He smiles as he walks away.

I turn back towards the canvas and tried to ignore what just happened a second ago.

The bell rung and the day was finally over. I walk out the building and someone grabs me by my arm. I direct myself towards Vinny quickly. 

"Oh hey, Vinny." I said and we kept walking.

"That was Justin."


"Justin Bieber. That was him. He's gorgeous up close, isn't he."

"You were in Art?"

"Talking to Mr. H about something. What did he say to you?"

"He was flirting with me, I guess you could say." I turn my body half way, heading the direction I was already in. 

He stops me and turns my body to him. "Spill!"

"He invited me to some party tomorrow night."

"Crystal's birthday party. What did he say when you said you would go?"

"I told him I wasn't."

"What? Why?"

"I don't like parties. I'm anti-social, trust me."

"But he likes you."

"He doesn't even know me."

"He finds you attractive then. I'll turn you into a complete hottie if you go."


"He's hot and this is your only chance, sweet cakes."

I took a deep breath. "Fine, I'll go."


"I have feeling I'm going to regret this." I walk past him and made my way home.

When I got home, I was greeted by Rocky. I pet him a little and Jade ran over to pet him as well.

"How was your day, Luce?" she asks as she continues to pet him.

"Aw. It was good, princess."

I got up and left them alone. I walk into the kitchen to see my mom sitting in a chair. Her tired eyes worried me, but it was her first day at home with Jade, so I didn't ask. I took a seat at the table, waiting for her to talk. 

"Jade drove me crazy today." She rubs her forehead.

"Like any other day."

"That's true. How was it?"


"Make any friends?"

"I did. Terri and Vinny. They invited me out tomorrow."

"That's good." She smiles softly. 

"You're letting me go?"

"I have someone coming over later. I have to get ready."


"Go change. I'll tell you later."

I groan and made my way upstairs. I change into my favorite floral romper. I put my hair in a bun and I decided to play a few games on my phone until my mom called me down. 

 A few hours later, she finally calls. I walk downstairs and see a tall man in a suit taking off his coat, putting it on the rack. I saw a girl, who's about my age, with long black hair with blonde at the ends like mines a little but hers was brighter. Her black cami dress hugs her body tight. She turned around, revealing her face.

I gasped loudly. "Arden!"

I ran down the stairs and hug her tightly.

"Lucy, if you can control yourself. Arden will be staying with us while her father goes on a business trip." 

We both scream and as we pull each other in for a hug. 

The Game Plan. • j.b.[EDITING]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz