Frustrated Confusion.

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After leaving the beach, I made the decision to take her to a party. I wasn't sure whose party it was, but I invited Tyler, Chaz and Ryan. I let her run off by herself, watching her curvy body move on the dance floor. Her long auburn hair lays on her back perfectly. I took a sip out of my drink as the loud music plays and everyone around me moves. Tyler walks over to me, smiling.

"I'm not going to win this bet." I told him as I took another sip.

"Where is she?"

"Drunk and on the dance floor." I point towards the crowd dancing. "She told me her dad hit her. That's why she has a bruise."

"She lied?"

"I'm guessing that, unless you lied and she's telling the truth."

"No, uh. Her dad was in the army. He was shot. He passed away, uh, 2 years ago."

"Damn." I groan softly. "I can't fuck with this girl if she's fucked up mentally. She won't trust another guy, what makes you think she'll trust me?"

"Trust is a gift, a gift you have to earn."

I roll my eyes, turning towards him. "Don't fucking lecture me right now."

"Fine, fine. Since she's drunk, get her to open up to you. That should settle it."

We both stand there quiet for a few seconds. A petite, pale girl with long charcoal hair walks past us, catching his attention.

He bit his lip. "I'll be back," and walks off.

I saw Lucy continuing to dance as she tries to drink at the same time. A girl with lengthy blonde hair, amber eyes, and a beautiful curvy body greets me. A part of was thinking I had to babysit Lucy, so my eyes were focusing mostly on her. Out the corner of my eye, the mystery girl walks away with this sexy smirk on her face. When my eyes trail back to the dance floor, Lucy was gone. I search the house for her; kitchen, downstairs, bathroom, and upstairs.  I walk outside to the pool and my eyes search around quickly.  

I spot Chaz standing in line with a few guys standing behind him. When I walk over to him, I saw a girl lying on a table, with her shirt up to her chest, receiving a body shot. I shake my head and face him.

"You seen Lucy?" I place my hand on his shoulder. 

"Uh, no, but hey, wanna give a body shot?" He turns to me and grins.

"Not right now, maybe later."

"Maybe later? Who are you?"

"I don't even know." I say, as my eyes wonder around the back yard. 

I finally found her, standing by the gate, talking to an unknown figure. 

I walk over, grabbing her by her arm. "We have to go."

"No, we don't. It's still early." she says in a very drunk tone.

"Lucy, were leaving."

"Yo. If she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to." the dark haired guy said, pulling me on my shirt a little. 

I glance back to see a guy who was about my height, with mahogany eyes. The red cup he had in his hand had a lip stick stain on the other side. He reeked of cigarettes and vodka. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"I'm sorry, but are you her ride home? I don't think so." I glimpse at Lucy and pull her closer. "I told your mom I'd have you home by 9. It's almost 9:30."

"Then that's your problem, buddy." She blew her breath in my face. It smelt of vodka and cranberry juice.

"Let's go, Lucy." I said one last time.

The dude pushes me, making me lose my grip of her. "Dude, don't start."

I hear Ryan ask, in my ear. "Is there a problem over here?"

He pushes me again and I throw a punch, hitting him in his face. I heard a few screams and I grab him by his waist, making him fall through the wooden gate. I heard Chaz yelling out my name. Just as I continue to punch him, I could hear sirens. 

I felt Ryan tug on me, getting me off of him and we run towards the car. 

"Let's go! Go, go!"

Ryan was driving us back and of course, I was getting a lecture. I fold my arms across my chest, staring out the window. I could see his panicking eyes looking in the rearview mirror. 

"You gotta learn how to control your anger, J."

I wasn't even listening. The adrenaline running through my veins was causing me to not to care. The anger inside has built, there was no way knocking it down. I notice him glancing over at Lucy.

"You okay?" he asks her.

"He just scared me, that's all." I hear her whisper to him.

I lean over to look at her, "Who? Me?"

"Yes, you. Stop yelling." Ryan looks at me in the mirror. 

"I wasn't yelling!"

"Now you are." Ryan says, shaking his head.

"Stop the car."

The car comes to soft stop. I open the door and slam it behind me.

"Justin!" Tyler yelled. "J, get back in here."

He begins driving slowly to keep up with my pace. I block them out and a few seconds later, Lucy got out.

"Are you two really going to walk home?" Ryan asks. 

"He was ride my home anyways so." She leans on me, slowly closing her eyes. 

We all stare at each other with puzzled expressions upon our faces. Why was she leaning on me? Why was she this close to me?

"Uh, okay. Let's go." We begin to walk and she held her jacket closer to her.

Ryan pulls off, shaking his head.I didn't understand why she even got out of the car. The liquor could be playing a factor in her decisions. 

"Tyler was friends with my ex." She says, not looking at me.

"He was?"

"Yeah. I remember now. It's crazy how everything makes sense to you when you're drunk."

I just nod in reply to her.

The wind brushed against us as we walked, making it colder. I look over at her to see her staring at the ground. In this lighting, I could see her beauty. My eyes finally make their way off of her once she speaks.

"Why did you fight that guy?" She inquires. 

"He pushed me. Plus, he was defending you when he didn't know shit."

"You were just trying to get me home, I know."

"Yeah...and we're here."

We pace towards the front porch. She glances at me with her eye brows curved in and her eyes were closing and opening. I stare at her and her face quickly looked pale. She ran towards the bushes and I could hear her rejecting. 

"Oh, man!  Your mom probably hates me now."

"She won't." she said slowly.

I help her up as she wiped her face. The door squeaks open and her friend Arden stood there.


She rolled her eyes. "No, it's Pinocchio."

"Ew." she says and reaches for something. She threw a piece of gum in her mouth. "I'll get the shower running." She jaunts away.

I pull Lucy back a little, bringing her close. "You okay?"

"I'll be fine." She leans in and kisses me on my cheek. "See you in English tomorrow." she steps inside and I stood there, confused. Once again.

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