Try Again.

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  After I bringing Lucy home, I went directly to Ryan's house. My mind was racing with Lucy. I wasn't sure how I was going to win her over. She was playing a very good game of 'hard to get' and she was winning. Her stubbornness made it more difficult for me. 

So stubborn she is.

Ryan's mom greets me at the door. Her bright eyes smile at me as I pull her in for a hug. I could feel my body tightening around her due to the fact that she was so small.  I head downstairs to hear chaos. I saw Ryan, Chaz and Tyler all playing a card game. I pull out the chair from under the table and I sit down. I inhale deeply and I could feel their eyes on me. 

"How did it go, Prince Charming?" Ryan asks, taking a sip out of his drink.

"Why couldn't you pick a much easier girl?" I ask Chaz, hitting him in the head.


"What's going on?" Tyler asks, looking at us baffled. 

"Justin is supposed to get Lucy to fall for him within three months. As soon as he falls for her, he has to tell her the feelings were never real." Ryan explains.

"This is a bet?"

"He said he can make any girl fall for him. He has to prove it by showing which one falls for who first."

"Well, we already know this isn't going to work." I told him. "She hates me already. She knows my reputation with girls so."

"Who told her?" Chaz asks.

"She wouldn't tell me." I lean on the table, looking at all of them. "What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Wait. Are we talking about Lucy in our English class?" Tyler asks, as he shuffles the cards. 

"Yeah. I need some help here though." I tell him. 

"I don't know if Lucy is the right girl for this." He shakes his head.

"Why? You know her?" Chaz asks.  

"I used to be friends with her ex. He...did a real number on her bad man."

"How bad?"

"Well, he slept with most of her friends and I believe someone said he used to abuse her."

"I never seen any bruises." I tell him.

"That's because you haven't seen her naked. She doesn't wear clothes exposing her top half much anymore. She's a damaged girl and you doing this bet will just make it worse."

"He can't back out because of her past! A bet's a bet!" Ryan yells, pointing at me.

I thought about it for a second. Before I could say something, Ryan got up, leaving the table. 

"Y'all suck." Ryan throws his empty cup in my direction and walks away.

"She sings by the way. She's a good singer. Take her to karaoke or something. Do stuff she likes." Tyler whispers to me.

"I have to change my whole personality?"

"Just don't be so much of an ass." Chaz joins in.

I groan loudly. I knew if I had to make her fall for me, I had to be different from her ex. 


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