3 Words 4 You.

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Justins POV

I looked all over for her. 

You'd be surprised that the carnival is this big to the point where you couldn't find a lost child. 

"Look, I didn't think she'd run off." Ryan says with his mouth full.

I sighed, looking back at him.

"It's your fault for telling her to kiss you."

"I wanted to see if she would do it."

"Excuse me, buddy. But you have a few weeks until Prom and then a month left. Lucy has fallen for you and you've fallen for her. So, you need to stop this before it comes permanent."

I stood there, quiet. "I'll text you once I find her."

He walks away and I groan.

"Why am I so stupid?" I turned and I bumped into someone instantly.

I looked up to see Luke. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I came with my sister."

"Really? Where is she?"

A woman in a white v- neck and jeans appeared next to him. She had long black hair and she looked at least 30.  I tried my best not to laugh.

"She's on the Ferris Wheel."

"Huh. Who's this?"

"This is Amanda. My sister's friend."

"She looks old enough to be your mom."

"That's my sister's business, not mine. I was just playing a few games with her."

"I know your game, man. I mean, if you're into that freaky shit then cool. That's your business."

"What game?"

"Ask your friends." I walked away, leaving them alone.

I shook my head as I kept walking. I looked down to see a bag of cotton candy. I went down towards the beach, looking for her. I heard scratching and I looked around, under the bridge to see her. I walked over to her and she was carving into the wood. She looked hurt and upset. Her eyes red and puffy.

"Lucy? Are you okay?"

"I...I..." she says, holding back tears.


"saw him."

"Saw who?"



"were right." She stops carving and starts crying. She sits down on in the sand.

I looked at her, confused. "I was right about what?"

"Luke! I saw him kissing some other girl. He was really into it too!" She put her head in her hands as she continued to cry.

I felt bad, really bad. I hated seeing her cry.

I sat down across from her. "He's a douche. Plus, that girl was at least 30 years old."

"That's disgusting." She looks up, wiping her face.

"Lucy, you've gotta stop crying. You're too beautiful for that." I wipe her face and I pull her in for a hug. I rubbed her back lightly.

"Justin, I have to tell you something."


"I like you too. Even though I shouldn't but after our kiss, I just felt."

"Which kiss?"

"Our first one." She chuckles lightly.

I was doomed. I really fucking was. 


 Next morning, I stayed home working on music. I got a few lyrics and beats down. I was making a new song for Lucy. I wasn't sure how it was going to go but I was prepping for it. My mom walked in and smiled at me. I looked at her as I stopped playing the piano.

"No, no, continue."

"It's cool. What's up?"

"I have the weekend off."

"Did you get fired?"

She scoffs, "No! Just decided to take a little break. I was thinking Lucy can come over for dinner tomorrow."

"Oh no."

"What? You talk about this girl all the time, I think it's time I meet her." I groaned as she sat down on my bed.

"It's just...she's in my head, I'm dreaming about her, i'm even writing songs," I held my lyric sheet and she sat there, interested. "And when I'm with her, I get a really weird feeling. - And her smile. Ugh, her smile, mom."

I heard her giggle softly. "I remember having that feeling when I met your Dad. Even when we were with a bunch of people, I still felt like I was alone with him."

"Yeah, but he's gone now."

"Justin. He felt like he couldn't give you everything that you needed and wanted. That's why he's gone and it's not your fault. It was his insecurities but that doesn't change how I feel about him." She got up, heading towards the door. "Oh and by the way, that weird feeling is called love. Which is new for you, enjoy it."

I rolled my eyes as she smiles, walking out. 


I laid on my bed, talking to her on the phone.

"Your mom actually wants to meet me?"

"Yes. Just say you'll come."

"I don't know. Were not even dating."

"True but she's interested to know who you are."

"Is she mean?" 

"Eh. She's a sweet heart, trust me."

"Let's hope so." I heard Jade in the back ground. "Is that my baby, Jade?"

"She's not your baby!"

"She loves me more than you do."

"I'm supposed to be your baby, remember?" She flirts.

"You will be, soon."

I heard her giggle softly, "If you say so."

I heard my phone beep and I looked at it. I had a text message from Ryan.

"Tick tock tick tock." the text read.

I groaned, putting the phone back to my ear.

"You okay?" She asks.


I thought about the text message a little while longer. "How do you feel about Prom?"

"Prom? It sounds fun, why?"

"Would want to go, you know, with me?"

"Hm. No, you're not my type."

I scoff. "What?"

"I'm just kidding. Sure, I would love to."

"I gotta go but I'll talk to you tomorrow, beautiful."

"Okay. Hey Justin."


"I love you."

I froze. The line goes dead and I looked at my phone. She loves me. I was definitely going to be destroying this precious, perfect girl. 

The Game Plan. • j.b.[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now