Breaking Dishes.

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I sat there, playing my guitar.

I haven't sung for Caitlin in a while.

I couldn't get what Lucy said out of my head. Did part of me feel like she was right? No. I was over Caitlin. Completely. It was just her life is basically on the line right now. What did she expect for me to do? Welcome her in open arms?

Ryan came back in with a few snacks. He tosses me my bag of chips. I opened them and took a few chips, stuffing them in my mouth.

"Doctors say she should be awake tomorrow." Ryan says.

"I'm a little worried." I say to him.

"It's okay to be worried, just relax. She's going to wake up and we'll all go back to normal."

"We will?"

"I hope so. ---- How's Lucy?"

"Pissed." I took a sip out of my drink.


"She thinks I lied about Caitlin being sleep still. She thinks she's alive and I'm lying to her because I'm not over her."

"Over Caitlin?"


"That's ridicilous. You wouldn't have fucked other girls if you weren't."

"Yeah, I would've."

"You're just that big of an asshole, huh."

"I guess. I'm gonna go check on her. Keep me posted."

I grabbed my stuff and made my way towards the door.

"Got you."

I made my way over to Lucy's house. I heard her, Arden and Jade in the back yard. I went back there to see them laughing. Jade was trying to catch a butterfly. Lucy pointed out another one and Jade was running after them. She went inside the house and I went back to the front door and rung the door bell. A few seconds later, the door opens and she stands there.

"What do you want?" she asks.

"I, I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"You wanted to make sure if I'm okay?"


"Why do you even care?"

"Because you're my girlfriend."

"I don't think you should use that word if you don't know the meaning of it."

"Are you kidding me? I'm here, Lucy!"

"And I'm supposed to feel better because you left your ex on a hospital bed to check up on me?"

"Okay, wait. So, you were upset when I didn't call you because she is on a hospital bed and now I'm here, and you're still pissed? That doesn't make any sense."

"I didn't tell you to come here."

"But you wanted me to even if you didn't say it."

"I have chores to do," She closes the door and I stop it with my foot.

"Are you jealous of Caitlin?"

"Excuse me?"

I think that might've been the wrong question. "Are you--"

"Don't repeat it! She was there for you first. I can't replace that. So, if that means being by her side until she wakes up then you go right ahead. I could care less."

She pushes my foot and closes the door. I put my hands on top of my head and sighed.

"What the hell do you want from me?!"

A thunder clap makes me turn around and rain hits me hard. "Great."

I went back to the hospital. Ryan wasn't in the room. I sat down in the chair and just stared at the floor. I started to hum a song, closing my eyes. The rain hit the window hard. I could hear foot steps. I opened my eyes to see Ryan.

"What happened?" he asks, sitting down.

"I don't know. I really don't."

We heard a low groan. We both looked around and I looked at Caitlin.


Her eyes begin to open slowly. I was relieved and all of sudden, a huge thunder clap was hard. And at that moment, the power goes out.

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