Cooler Than Me.

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I saw her sitting on the bleachers, reading. I hated myself for the asshole I was. I really did. I didn't want to break her heart because I really hated seeing her sad. I stood in front of the bleachers, waiting for her to look up.

"Lucy." She looks up slowly with a smile on her face. "I have bad news. ---- Uh, I can't go to Prom."

"Why?" I tried to come up with a lie.

"My mom wants me to help her with some of her business stuff. Plus uh, I think I'm gonna talk to my Dad."

"You are?"

"Yeah. You know with him out of my life, it'd be good to reach out to him."

"Hm. Okay." She closed her book and grabbed her stuff.

Okay? She jumped down from the bleachers.


She turns around. "Yeah?"

"Why aren't you mad? It's Prom, all girls are crazy about prom."

"It's not like I'm planning my wedding. It's just Prom. Plus with this generation, all guys care about is getting a room and making sure the girl ends up there. --- Have you not seen Prom Night?"

"But Lucy,"

"But nothing. Have fun with your Dad." She walks away.

I stood there, confused. "What the hell?"


I was walking with Chaz after school. He was eating his ice cream.

"All she said was okay. She wasn't even upset." I complain to him.

"Because you weren't honest with her."

"But she can't go dress shopping. I mean, doesn't that make her upset?"

He shrugs his shoulders.

"Girls are confusing. I'll just stick to fucking them." I shake my head.

"Speaking of girls. When are you telling her?"

"After prom. I'll get drunk, go to her house, and say it."

"Why do you have to be drunk?"

"Like I'll actually have the courage to say it sober."

I shrugs his shoulder. "I guess it's only best."

"I hate the fact that I actually did fall for her. It's bullshit."


Lucy's POV

Tonight was the night.

The night when young girls wear skimmy little dresses to show off their bodies.
It was also the night where young boys only wanted to take off those dresses.

Thank God, I wasn't going. Arden and Chaz decided to stay with me tonight. We were eating junk food and playing video games.

"Okay, so if you could go out on a date with one person who would it be?" Arden asks.

"Kim Kardashian." Chaz smiles.

"Ugh, next!"

"What?" He scoffs.

She points at me.

I smile. "Ryan Gosling."

"Perfect choice."

He scoffs again. "That's not fair."

"Kim is married."

"So is Ryan!"

I looked at the clock. It was almost 1 am.

"Hey, isn't prom over by now?" I asked them.

"Yeah. Usually."

A few minutes later, the door bell rings. Arden opens the door and Justin and Ryan walks in.

"Hello everyone!" Justin yells, smiling, throwing his arms in the air.

"That's a sign of a drunk person." Chaz whispers.

I look at Justin, confused.

He gasps. "Lucy. You look so beautiful."

"How'd go with your Dad?"

"Oh, he had a party and I really connected with older people."

Ryan and Chaz snickers.

"Stop laughing at me! --- How was your night, gorgeous?"

"It was fun. Justin, are you okay?"

"I'm perfect! What are you guys doing? You need to play some music and get this party started!"

"Could you stop yelling, were all right here?"

"I'm sorry, babe." He walks over to me and his breath smelled of vodka and other alcohol.

"Ugh, go away. You smell gross!" I shove him away.

"Oh, that's the smell of love!"

I rolled my eyes. "Lucy..."

I chuckle lightly. "What, drunkie?"

"I have to tell you something," He looked sad all of sudden, "And it may be the last thing on Earth that you want to hear right now but I have to be honest with you."

Ryan came over. "Justin, man. You're tired, you're drunk, let's just get you some water and you can sleep."

"I'm not tired! I want to talk to Lucy."

"Wait, I want to hear what he has to say. You can't just leave me wondering."

He was quiet for a few seconds and he looks back at me.

"I..." he tries to speak.


"I had sex."

I was taken a step back. "With who?"

"An old geezer. Now, can we stop this?" Chaz says, handing him a sandwich and a bottled water.

"Who'd you have sex with, Justin?" I asked him.

"Isabella." he says before taking a sip.

"Who's that?"

"She goes to our school."

"Did you like it?"

"Lucy." Arden says.


"No. -- It wasn't right to you."

"To me?"

"I felt like I was betraying you."

I sat there, looking into his eyes. He leaned back on the couch, almost closing his eyes.

"I love you, Lucy." he whispers.

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