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We walked around for a few minutes. I wasn't sure where they were taking me. We inside a junk yard and they led me over to a car. Chaz looks back at me and smiles. It was a red Honda. Ryan passed me a bat and looks at the car then back at me.

He points towards it. "Hit it."

"Are you fucking nuts? The hell is a Honda doing in a junk yard?" I ask him.

"Car is no good, we bring them down here all the time. Now, hit it."

"No, man."

"This is the only way to let out your anger."

"What if we get caught?"

"We do this every day. Now, hit the damn car." Chaz pushed me over to it.

I sighed and lined the bat up and I smashed the windshield. I kept hitting it until it finally broke. Pieces of glass fall into the car. Chaz starts playing some music to help. I start to hit other parts of the car and they all just stood there.

"Hit it harder!" They yell.

I threw the bat down after a few more hits.

"Feel better now?" Ryan asks.

I grabbed a brick and threw it at the car.

"Okay, he's getting dangerous." Chaz whispers. 

Just as I about to hit it again with the bat, Ryan grabbed it, "I think you're good."

He took the bat from me and I sighed. "I need booze."

I walked away and they followed me out.

"Justin, no booze for you." 


"Because you don't need alcohol right now."

"Oh, so I'm just supposed to---" I froze, staring at them. They looked at me, confused. "Fuck."


"I can fuck the pain away."

"I don't think sex is--" Chaz begins.

I cut him off. "It's the perfect pain reliever."

I walked away from them and they followed me. 

Lucy's POV

        Midtown has a talent show. I figured I'd join. It's something to get my mind off Justin. A great distraction. Two other girls, Camille and Gina decided to be back up dancers for me, depending on which song I choose. We were testing out a few songs and a few dance steps. During our break, Chaz walked in and was talking to Arden. I walked over to grab my water and took a sip.

"Hi Chaz." I say to him .

"Hey Lucy. Think you're gonna win?" he asks, smiling.

"I'm doing it for fun, not to win."

"Well, you're good."


I walked away and I noticed they were talking again but it looked like they were arguing. I just brushed it off and we started to reharse again. 

       After that, I was late for class due to reharsals. I was stuffing my books into my bag and I ended up bumping into someone. They dropped a few things and I helped them pick it up while I apologized. I noticed something odd. It was white sheet with a purple heart on the front. On top of the paper it said, "Heartbreaker." I looked up to see a random guy. He grabbed the paper out of my hand and hid it behind a few notebooks.

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