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I fucked up.

I fucked up badly. And it wasn't like I could get that moment back. She probably wouldn't want to hear what I have to say. I techinally had a month left. With the rest of May and then June, I wasn't sure how I was going to make sure fall for me. I just broke her heart without her even liking me. And the bad part was I was starting to like her. 

        Chaz walked in with a tray. He sat down on the bed and handed me a cup of hot chocolate.

"It's 90 degrees outside."

"I figured hot chocolate will help a broken heart."

"My heart isn't broken." I took sip out of the chocolate anways.

"Have you called her?"

"Called and text. I really fucked up."

"Yeah, you did. You got some time left."

"Aren't you supposed to going on a date with Arden?"

"Told her I pick her up at 7."

"Chaz, it's 6:50."

"Oh shit. I'll be back by 9." He runs out, leaving the tray on my bed.

I put my cup down and grabbed my guitar. I started playing a few chords. I heard someone snapping their fingers along with the guitar. I see Ryan dancing in my door way and into my room.

"I think it's good you're going back to the whole music thing. You finally have something to do." He sits down on my bed and I just continue to play.

I started to sing a little, "....First I'll acknowledge your trust has been broken now, a successful recovery, I pray for us at night." I hummed a little, trying to figure out next lyric."I can't do this. I can't get her out my head." I put the guitar down. "Bet's over, you win."

"You can't get the fact that you fucked up out of your head. It's not her. It's your mistake. Plus, you won. She's doesn't like you like that."

"I thought I had to tell her?"

"You have to tell her your feelings didn't even tell how you felt."

I groaned, leaning back on my bed. "I can't tell her!"

"Then neither of us win. It's just a bet, man. It's not going to determine if were still friends or not."

"I gotta go see her."

"Want me to come with you?"

"If you want."

We both walk out my room and head outside. 

 We decided to walk to her house instead of me driving. We were discussing the next lyric for my song. We were laughing as we were coming up with different sayings. A car with tinted windows pulled up next to us. The window went down.

"Who is this?" Ryan asks.

I paused as soon as I saw Sean.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

He smiled and looked at me as him and a few other guys out of the car.

"You know I don't like you." he says, walking towards us.  

"You're not the first." I tell him.

"And when a guy I don't like hurts a girl, that's a problem for me."

"But yet it's not your business."

"Lucy is my business."

"Not anymore."

He chuckles lightly as he got closer to me, "You haven't even fucked her yet man. So, I'm convinced she still belongs to me."

"Fuck you!"

I pushed him and throws a punch but I move away so he misses me. "Ryan, go!"

"No!" -----

Lucy's POV

        I sat in my tub while the water from the shower head fell onto me.

"Sweetie?" I heard my mom say.

I forgot to mention that today was the day we got the news about my father. I remember those guys in the army suits approaching the door. I couldn't get the image of my mom breaking down out of my head.

She pulled back the shower curtain. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Just a lot of thinking, that's all."

"Okay. I'm going put Jade to bed then be on my way out for work, okay?"

I just nod and she walks out. She was trying to be strong for us and I understood that. I got out of the shower and got dressed. I decided to wear some sweats. I was feeling really shitty so there was no excuse to get dressed up. I played some music and laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes for a while. A few minutes later, my phone rings, cutting off the music. It was Arden.

"Hey. How was the da---"

"Lucy, I got bad news. Justin's in trouble."

"Don't know how that involves me."

"Ryan said some guy named Sean beat him up. And I'm convinced it's the Sean I've known for the past 3 years."

"Where is he?"

"Ryan's house. Were on our way there."

"Fuck, alright."

I hung up and ran inside Jade's room. I picked her up while she was still asleep. I walked downstairs, grabbed my jacket and headed out. I didn't know why I was going to see if he was okay. But what I did know was that Sean only did this to get to me. 

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