Major Whiplash.

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My loud-ringing alarm wakes me up. I felt my head ringing and I felt like I was going to fall over. I laid there for a few minutes before moving. I managed to get up, take a shower and get dressed.

My mom made breakfast but for strange reason, I wasn't hungry. I grab a plate out of the cabinet then headed to another cabinet to get a aspirin. I reach for a peach from the refrigerator and left with Arden.

While she was driving, I felt like I was dying. The motion of the car kept reminding my stomach of bringing up whatever was left in there.

"Hangovers aren't fun, are they?"

 I groaned, not being able to reply to her.

"Remind you of when you first met Sean, huh?"

I close my eyes  as I lean back in the seat. I begin to reminisce the good memories with him. 

I was humming a familiar song by Adele. I laid there on the couch while Arden and a few of other friends were talking. A guy bent down next to me. He had brown hair and hazel eyes. His smile was incredibly sexy.

"You have a beautiful voice." he says, smiling at me.

"I uh, wasn't singing."

"I still thought it was beautiful. Want a drink?" He held up a red plastic cup and I just shook my head."You're Arden's best friend?" 

"In the flesh. I'm Lucy."

"I'm Sean. Now, where's your boyfriend? Why did he leave you here?" He looks around the room before meeting my eyes again.

"He doesn't exist. I don't have one."

"Huh. Guess it's my lucky day then, beautiful." He smiled at me and I could feel butterflies flooding my stomach.

He grabbed my hand and took me upstairs.


I walked into English and I felt like passing out. A hangover, empty stomach, and a major headache wasn't a good mix. I managed to sit in my seat. I put my head on the table and tried to go to sleep. The bell rung which made my head ring as well.

"Lucy, you alright?" I heard Terri ask.

"Please, don't talk." I mumbled.

She just sat down and pat me lightly on my back. I opened my eyes to see Justin standing in front of me.

"What?" I groan.

"Hangover?" he asks.

"Guess I can only blame myself."

"Get a nurse's pass and go outside to the bleachers. Everyone hides there."

He walks away and I groaned as I picked my head up.

Ms. Mitchell looked at me. "Sick, Lucy?"

I just nodded my head slowly. She went back to her desk and made a note. I grabbed my stuff as she handed me a nurse's note. Justin smiled at me as I walked out. 

  I made my way over to the bleachers. I went under them to see a lot of kids. Some were smoking while others were sleeping. I sat down and before I could sleep, I looked up to see a kid with dark hair. He had on sunglasses and he wore a black hoodie and jeans.

"Can I help you?" I asked him.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm hungover and my stomach is killing me. So, could you just?" I shake my head, hinting him to move.

"Took a aspirin?"


He handed me a pill bottle. "Take another one. I'm Jimmy. You?"

"Lucy." I take another pill and hand him his bottle back.

"Oh yeah. Justin's girl."

"Excuse me? I'm not his girl. Were just friends."

"No girl is just friends with that kid. Friends with benefits?"

"Ew, no! Were honestly just friends and that's all were ever going to be."

"Hm. If you say so." He walked off and I rolled my eyes as I start to fall asleep.

My eyes slowly open. I look around to see no one around. I lift my arm up to look at my watch. I groan, realizing what time it was. I met with Vinny, Arden, and Terri during free period. Luckily, they were just by Terri's car in the parking lot.

"Hey drunkie." Vinny says, smiling at me.

"Ugh, Arden, you told them?" I groan.

Arden shrugs. "They were wondering where you were and Justin ended up telling them."

"I'm going to kill him too."

"You two are getting awfully close, huh?" Vinny says and Terri was smiling at me.

"I swear to you guys were just friends." I shake my head.

"That's a start."

"What do you mean?"

"You're the only girl within what, 48 hours, that he hasn't fucked."

"I'm sure he's getting it from someone."

"Hm, you're probably right about that." He nods.

"Just be careful, Luce. Don't fall for this guy. We don't need him to be another Sean gone wrong." She got inside the car.

"Who's Sean?" Terri asked, with a confused look 

I looked at her and took a deep breath, "Just an old friend."

I could feel tears building up in me but instead, I brushed it off and I had to take her advice;

Don't fall for him. 

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