New Game Plan.

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I woke up in my bed. I had a ringing headache. I had a few text messages from Isabella and I groan as I threw my phone back on the night stand. My mom walks into my room and hands me a pill and a cup filled with coffee.

"I'm heading to McDonald's. I'll get something covered in grease." She says as I take the pill.

She walks out and I knew she was upset for me getting drunk. I grabbed my phone and called Lucy. She was the first thing that was on my mind.

"Hello?" she answers.

I groaned. "Did I fuck up last night?"

"Uh, not really. Besides the fact that you did fuck someone."

"Ugh, Lucy. I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. She', I don't even blame you."


"Were not together, remember? Were just friends so it's cool that you still want to fuck around, that's your business."

"Lucy, no. I was drunk, you have to understand that."

"Many people said you didn't have that many drinks before you left with her."

Fucking people.

"Plus, if you loved me, you wouldn't have fucked her." She says.


The line cuts off and I threw my phone. I groaned as my head was banging again. I looked up to see Ryan.

"Fuck you, Ry."

He lifts his hands up in surrender. "I haven't done anything."

"You were going to. Chaz told me you were going to tell her all about the bet."

"I was," I got up and walked over to him. "Because you have a reputation that you need to maintain and I can easily ruin Lucy."

"Don't you dare hurt her or I will--"

"You'll what? You know you don't give a shit about that girl. All you care about is what is underneath."

"And by underneath you mean her heart, right? Because that's all I'm interested in."

"You're also interested in how to hit her g-spot."

"Don't talk about her like that."

"You have become weak."

"I'm still the same asshole but Lucy is someone I don't want to lose."

"Then be her friend, don't have these feelings for her because no one is taking you seriously."

He turns away and walks out of my room. A part of me felt like he was right but at the same time, I didn't care.

Later on that day, I went to Lucy's house. I took a deep breath and I knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. I looked up once the door opened to see her mom. Jade hid behind her a little, smiling.

"Hey. Is Lucy here?" I asked her.

"Her and Arden went out with an uh, Luke?"

I froze. "They did?"

"Yeah. He took them to the beach for a picnic."

"Okay, well. Can you tell her I stopped by?"

"Of course." I smiled and waved to Jade.

I walked away, confused. I saw Chaz park his car. He looked at me, confused. He reaches over, opening the door.

"What are you doing here?" Chaz asks.

The Game Plan. • j.b.[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now