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Ryan, Chaz and I made our way down to the beach. It was someone's bonfire. Ryan danced to the music that was blasting from the speakers. I didn't see Lucy. I snuck away from them and started looking for her. I felt someone grab me and pull me into a tent. I was shocked to see Lucy there, holding something to her body. She was naked and she looked scared.

"Uh. Where are your clothes?" I look at her, confused. 

"These assholes took them. It was me, Luke, and a few other people who was playing truth or dare and we all got dared to jump into the water naked."


"Shut up just find my clothes, please."

"Here," I took off my shirt and handed it to her, "Put that on."

She grabs it and I turned around, waiting for her to put it on.

"What are you doing?" She asks, looking back.

"Waiting for you to put the shirt on." I stood there, rocking back and forth.

"You can look, it's fine."

I froze for a second and I knew it would be wrong to. "We have to hurry up."

I walked out of the tent and she came out a few seconds later.

"Is it covering my butt?" she asks me, looking back at herself.

"Yes, let's go." I grabbed her hand and we walked down the beach, over to the concession stand.

Ryan turns around and looks at her up and down. "Where are your clothes?" he asks.

"Long story."

"Stay here." I tell her.

I walked away to look for her clothes. I found a girl wrapped in a beach towel and the other was wrapped in the tent.

"Know the assholes who took your clothes?"

"If we could find them, we wouldn't be standing here." the girl in the beach towel says.

I looked at the other one and she looked worried, "Some british dude and his friends ran off with them, I believe."

I walked away and kept looking. At the end of the beach, I saw those assholes. I walked over to them, smiling.

"Hello fellas!"

They all look at me, worried. Well, Dean and Derek to be exact. Luke just stood there with this cocky look on his face.

"I believe a few of those clothes belong to the two girls down there and Lucy. Mind handing them over?"

"Actually yes, we do." Dean says, leaning over a little.

I jump a little at him, growling and he backs away.  

"Give them here."

"What are you even doing here?" Luke asks.

"To save the day once again."

"Save who? Lucy? I think she's perfect without you."

"You might right about that but until she admits that to me, I'm going to stay in her life."

Derek rolls his eyes and tosses me the clothes.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Luke yells at him. "

You just want to get her bed and she'll never sleep with you, believe me." he walks off and I laugh a little, walking away.

"I hate that guy." Luke growls. 

  I handed those girls their clothes, along with Lucy. She was changing and we stood there, waiting. She hands me my shirt and I put it on. I look down at her to notice her looking at my chest. I smile a little as she looks away and then back up at me.

"Are you two just going to stand here and have eye sex? We have to go." Chaz says, walking past her.

We followed him to the car. 

  We walked inside her house and she turns on the light.

"Mom?" she calls out, walking upstairs halfway.

"She's not here." Arden comes, walking down the stairs, looking at all of us. "What the hell happened?"

"Long story." She walks upstairs and Arden walks downstairs, walking over to Chaz.

I walked upstairs and I noticed Ryan looking at me. He shook his head. "

I'm just going to check on her." I mouth to him.

"No!" he meant to yell but nothing came out of his mouth.

"2 minutes." I continue walking and I walk into her room, closing the door a little. "You alright?"

I sat on the edge of her bed as she was putting her hair in a pony tail.

"I feel like Luke is just a prankster."

"Yeah, that's what he is." I said saracastically.

"Your sarcasm is not needed right now."

"Sorry. I just think you deserve better... guy friends."

"Any guy that walks into my life fucks me over. It's a part of the curse."

"What curse?"

"The family curse, duh."

"You're so weird."

She chuckles lightly. "You like weirdness, I'm sure."

"Nah." She scoffs lightly and I got closer to her. I leaned in a little, "I love it."

I kissed her lightly and that turned into a make out. She was lifting up my shirt a little and I helped her take it off. She ran her hand down my chest as she continued to kiss me. She pulls away to take off her shirt and I watched her.

"What the hell are we doing?"

"I'll be quiet, I promise." she whispers.

Before I could say, anything she pulled me in for another kiss. ----

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