Chapter Fifty: Good News and Bad

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Elena took Robin's hand as she looked across the room at Charles, she had no idea why he had come all the way to Manchester to see them; she had been finishing packing for her holiday when he had arrived. 

The children were out with Elena's parents for the afternoon meaning that the couple didn't have to worry about them coming home early or hearing anything about all of this. 

"It's nice to see you again Robin... despite what this trip is about," Charles murmured running a stressed hand through his hair, he couldn't believe that they were having to deal with this again after everything that had happened. 

Charles was glad that Robin had found someone like Elena after what Bouchra had put him through; he honestly didn't understand why Bouchra had fallen for Ewan after everything that had happened. 

Nodding warily, Robin felt Elena squeeze his hand and he looked at her knowing that whatever reason that Charles had come to see him now it couldn't be good news.

 The couple had just celebrated the news that everything was okay again with the baby, Elena had been given the all clear to go off on her holiday with Roxanne and Coleen; they had been looking forward to going until this meeting had come up. 

"I didn't want to worry the two of you... but I think you both deserve to know. There is a chance that Ewan will be reinstated to the force, though they aren't certain yet," Charles warned making Robin stiffen, this wasn't what they had been expecting when Ewan had been sacked after what had happened. 

Elena looked at her husband worried, Ewan was a creep without the power behind him; she hated to think what he would be like when he was reinstated to the police force. 

The last thing that Elena or Robin wanted was for things to kick off again, things were finally calming down and they didn't need Bouchra or Ewan causing them any trouble.

"It really depends on how he is handling the crash now... but there is a strong chance that since his suspension is coming to an end for drunk-driving, he will return to the force," Charles murmured noticing the worried looks that Elena and Robin wore, he didn't blame them for being concerned. 

Charles didn't believe for a moment that Ewan was ready to return to work, he still seemed very unhinged and Charles doubted that being back at work was going to end well for anyone. 

The Ewan that everyone had known was gone and Charles feared what Ewan might do if he had the power of being on the police force behind him; he could only hope that Robin wasn't going to be main target in all of this. 

Robin wrapped his arm concerned around Elena, Charles was the only one that seemed to notice that Ewan had become completely unhinged after the death of Francesca and that alone scared him. 

If Ewan was able to fool people then he could get away with murder, no one would be able to stop him and his anger seemed focused on the couple that Charles had come to warn. 

"What does this mean?" Elena asked a little scared of what Ewan could do to them, there was a reason that Robin had reacted like this and that Charles would make the trip to tell them this. 

It didn't make any sense to her and Elena wished that Robin would be more open with her about what was going on sometimes.

"Ewan blames me for the crash... he's always sworn that he would get his revenge and I don't think that he is finished even though he stole Bouchra," Robin murmured worried about what Ewan could do to him if he became a police officer again.


Making sure that she had everything for her trip to Cyprus, Elena sighed she was due to leave for the airport soon with Coleen and Roxanne; she was still worried about what they had been told a couple of hours ago. 

After the talk with Charles, Elena was a little shaken up as it was revealed that Ewan would possibly want to harm Robin if he were to be allowed to return to the police force. 

"Don't worry about it Lena..." Robin mumbled wrapping his arms around her waist and rested a hand on her twenty-nine week bump, he didn't want her to become too stressed since she had just gotten off bed rest. 

The last thing that he wanted was for things to put a strain of things, Robin wrapped his arms around her trying to comfort her that everything was going to be okay. 

"I don't want to lose you Robin... there has to be something that we can do," Elena whispered turning face him, Robin gently cupped her face as his brown eyes searched hers; Ewan would be a threat if he was allowed back into the police force, but there was a chance that he wouldn't. 

Ewan would have to pass a test with a therapist before he would be allowed to return to the police force; something that Charles doubted that Ewan would be able to pass the examination. 

"Promise me... promise me you'll be careful," Elena begged him softly, she couldn't bear the thought that something could happen to her husband while she was away; she didn't know how she would be able to cope if something happened. 

It had never crossed her mind that things could be taken from her, Elena had hoped that things were finally starting to quieten down for them after her parents' accident and them nearly losing their baby. 

Robin kissed her gently pulling her close, Elena was worried about what Ewan was capable of, ever since he had cornered Roxanne in one of the bedrooms, it was clear that the man wasn't someone to mess with.

"I'll be careful," Robin promised gently making Elena smile at him as the front door bell rang repeatedly, the couple grinned at each other as they pulled apart from each other; someone was trying to use the doorbell to sound like Glory, Glory Man United. 

They had no idea what things would be like when Elena came home from her holiday but Robin doubted that much could have changed in that time; he was sure that Charles would warn him if Ewan did anything. 

Charles was one of the few people opposed to Ewan coming back to the force, he didn't like how things had been going on and they were all certain that he wouldn't pass the required checks. 

"Wayne and Coleen are here then," Elena murmured amused as Robin picked up her suitcase and carried it downstairs for her while the brunette collected her hand luggage and passport before she followed after him and moved to open the door for them. 

Coleen rolled her eyes flashing her friend a smile, while Wayne pouted as Elena stopped him from ringing the bell again; she mock glared at the Scouser for a moment before following Coleen inside. 

The three women were gathering together before they were due to leave for the Manchester Airport; it was going to be an interesting week for them and after the news that Elena had just got this holiday couldn't have come at a better time. 

"Roxy just left hers... she and Nem should be here in ten minutes," Coleen said looking over at Wayne as he set down her suitcase next to Elena's, she ducked down and kissed Kai before he toddled off to play with the other children for a little while. 

Robin wrapped his arm around Elena, this holiday would be good for her and he could only hope that things went well while she was away; he prayed that Ewan wouldn't be allowed back on the police force.

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