12 || Target

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We start to head off to the range. I grab my bike and everyone else piles into the cars.

As soon as we arrive, Beth and Patricia walk over to me.

"Ready to shoot?" I ask Beth

She smiles. Me, Rick and Shane walk over to the fence and set up cans. I go back over and tell them to just fire at one of the cans and we'll start there.

Patricia was holding the gun too low and hit the fence but she was close. Beth was way off. Her gun was off by a mile. With some practice, everyone was doing great. Then I go over to Carl. He hits the target perfectly.

"Nice job," I say and pat his head.

-time skip-

After target practice, I decided to practice myself. I made sure no one would bother me this time. I walk over to the same tree.

I pull my arrow back. It's muscle memory at this point. It's like a person is to walking and I go shooting. I shoot the tree is great accuracy. I walk over to the arrow. there's a fine crack in the center.


I take the arrow and break it in half. I pull out the arrowhead and put it in my pocket. I decide to do something harder. I walk back to where o was but I face the camp and drawback as I turn around and shoot once the target reaches my view.


The arrow hit the tree. But it wasn't in the center it was off. I grow annoyed. I put down my bow and take one of my knives. I put it in my fingers and throw. Dead center. I go to another target. One of the smaller ones. My ear twitches as I hear leaves crunching. I throw my knife. I hit a small squirrel. I take it back to my target I cut it open and dig in, not minding the blood.

It's a wonder that people don't hate me for the way I am. I'm practically a monster. I have killed 24 people. But they don't know.

I clean off my hands and sit under a tree. I take out my knife that rests on my lower back. The knife I used on all 24 people to kill them. They tried to hurt me. It doesn't matter, they're dead anyway.

The sun starts to set. I climb the tree and lay down on a branch. Maybe I should sleep tonight.

-time skip to morning-

We all sit around eating powdered eggs. Glenn the stands up and walks in front of everyone. I know what this is about.

"The barn's full of walkers."

Everyone stops what they are doing and looks at Glenn. Shane is the first to get up and march over to the barn. Then Rick follows and we all get up to check it out.

We all stand by the barn as Shane looks through a crack in the door.

"You can not tell me your alright with this," Shane says

"No I'm not but we're guests here. This isn't our land" Rick says back

"Oh god, this is our lives here man!" Shane yells

"Lower your voice!" Glenna scolds

"We can't just sweep this under the rug," Andrea says

"We either gotta go, make things right or we've just gotta go. Now we've been talking about Fort Benning for a long time."

"We can't go?"Rick says

"Why Rick, why?" He asks impatiently

"Because my daughters still out there," Carol says

"Okay, I think it's time that we all start to just consider the other possibility." Shane starts

My blood starts to boil.

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