Creativity block

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I sat at my desk in my room with my sketch book infront. I was at a huge creativity block. I didnt know what to draw. I drop my pencil on my desk and lean my head on my left hand.

"UGH" I groan out in pain as I hated my brain just stopping. I hear my door open and someone enter my room.

"Hey....You look dead" I hear Andy's deep voice from behind.

"UGH" I say in response. I dont turn and just keep my gaze on my blank sketch book paper. I feel his arms wrap around my shoulders. I let my resting arm fall and I pick up my head.

"You seem agitated" Andy says plainly. I laugh a bit.

"Yeah I just want to know what to draw. I dont know what to draw" I say groaning and letting my head fall face first on my desk. I hear Andy lightly chuckle.

"Andy it isnt funny" I say my voice was muffled by my desk.

"Hold on" Andy says before I hear him exit my room. I hear his feet shuffle through the hall way. I pick my head up and look back at the open door. I soon see Andy come back in with something behind his back.

"Andy what is it this time?" I say smiling. Andy was always surprising me or frightening the shit out of me. Last week he came over with a fake rat. I was terrified at first that I slapped him on accident. Not my fault just reflex.

"Andy remember last time you did this. Think hard if this is what you want to do" I say looking up at him.

"Well I was going to wait to give this to you. But hey maybe you can put it to good use. I love to see you sketch it on paper" He says. he pulls out a dark blue velvet box. My heart raced as I thought could be in that box. He opened the lid and my eyes lit up. Inside was a heart shaped charm with diamonds along with a nice silver chain.

"Oh my gosh Andy" I say looking back into his bright blue eyes.

"Well I was going to wait until your birthday next week, but you needed something to draw so you could draw this" He hands it to me. I hold the soft box in the palm of my hand looking at the charm. I gaze at it before setting it next to my sketch book and stand up. I wrap my arms around Andy's neck and dig my head in the crook of his neck.

"Andy I love you so much. I hope you know that" I say soflty as I feel his arms wrap around my waist.

"I love you TO" He picks me up and swings me in a circle. I laugh out in joy.

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