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*this one may be a little longer than most the other ones. And it will concist highly on very sensitive and triggering subjects. So if you are sensitive on subjects like depression, bullying, self destruction aka self harm. Dont read if you dont want to just skip to the next chapter which will be more light and more comedic to refresh from this more heavy chapter. I love you my little unicorns! *insert hug

(y/n) POV

I felt my body being thrown harshly against the wall. A harsh throb filling my head. I feel my knees give in as I fall to the floor. I look up to see my once best friend. She had a busted lip and a bloody nose thanks to me.

"What the hell. You dont talk to me for three weeks, you leave me so you could go on tour with your now boyfriend, forget all about me then you have the fucking nerve to accually make rumors about me on the fucking internet. You have a lot of nerve (y/n). I thought you were a friend of mine. I come here to face you with the problem head on and you go and slam a fucking fist into my face. So how does it feel!" She screamed anger filling her face. I get up on my feet and look at her in the eyes.

"I dont know what you are talking about. I never said one bad thing about you on the internet. I was going to call you but Andy has been busy with the entire touring schedule so I been helping out the crew set up things at the shows. And by the time the shows are over I help pack up and its way to late to text or call you after that. Also I told you that I was going on tour with Andy and you were fine and happy about it. I dont know what got into you. You came here and literally started to yell and hit me. So in self defence i hit you back. But not because I hate you!" I explain aggitation in my voice. She pushed me hard and I hit the wall again.

We were outside of the stadium where Black veil brides were performing tonight. She had backstage VIP passes which I gave her so she could come and talk to me whenever. But instead she came to fight with me. I felt as if I had lost my best friend. Over nothing.

"tell me how to fix this and I will!" I cry out leaning up from the wall I was thrown against. Which was the wall of the stadium.

"Nothing you can do will ever fix our friendship." And with one final shove she pushed me hard against the concrete wall. She stormed off as I slid to the ground. I sit there for a second when I hear the back door of the stadium fly open followed by a laugh I knew all to well. The laugh Of Andy Biersack. I look up to see his face fall to worry as he rushed over to me bending down.

"what happened to you" He says placing his hand on my cheek. I flinch.

"(y/n) what happened" he says gently.

"Nothing just dont worry about it OKAY" I snap pouncing up to my feet and storming off to the tour bus. I Get in walking over to my bag on the couch digging through it.

"(y/n) what are you doing what is going on are you okay" Andy comes into the bus frantic.

"Andy I want to be alone" I say, my voice cracking as I hold back tears.

"You can always talk to me if you need to. I want you to know that" He says kissing my cheek softly. I stop rumaging violently through my bag and let a tear fall down my cheek. How did I get lucky to find someone so sweet.

"I know" I say and turn to him. Looking into his star gazing eyes. he leans down and kisses me gently.

"I will be right back I just wanted to see how you were doing before we finish setting up the lights for the show" He says moving my hair from my face. I give a slight smile and he walked out.

I fall onto the couch as I hear a buzz from my phone. I pull it out of my pocket to see so many things am tagged in. More than usual anyway. I clicked on one of them to reveal a long message. My heart dropped once I read it.

andy biersack x reader imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora