make up arguement

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(y/n) POV

Andy and the rest of black veil brides had about ten days off before they had to go back on tour. So lucky me Andy got to fly home from Europe.

After literally 6 out of the ten days Andy and I decided to get out of the house and stop watching movies and being house rats. So what better than to go out and walk around the mall that was by our house.

"(y/n) I dont even know why you wear this shit you are beautiful without it" Andy complained while I was getting a few makeup products I needed. Like eyeshadows and eyliners and such.

"Oh you are one to talk have you seen yourself. You wear make up to" I sass snapping my fingers picking up some makeup wipes.

"That is different" Andy argued.

"No it is not, also have you seen yourself back when you were what they called Andy sixx" I look at him stopping in my tracks.

"Well played" Andy gave in.

"But you are still beautiful with or without it though. Stop being so insecure on what you look like" He walked over placing a kiss on my head.

"No" I say and smile grabbing a few different eyeliners. I hear Andy silently laugh under his breath as he takes the basket out from hands and insisted on holding it for me.

Note: So um yeah you guys were in a make up store place. I dont know I never go into those places I get my makeup from hot topic or this cute little gothic store that I go to. So I dont know what normal make up stores really look like but I tried give me credit rawr....

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