Wrapping paper

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We love ^

(y/n) POV

"Andy can you get the step stoll from the kitchen. I cant reach the top of the tree to put the star on." I say jumping a little at an attempt to put the star on the top of the christmas tree that was already decorated with lights and ordaments. I made Andy help with the lights cause I didnt want to some how mess up and the house goes up in flames. this is also why Andy says he likes to be in the kitchen when I cook cause he thinks I will burn the house down.

"I have a better Idea" Andy says and picked me up. I squealed and laughed and placed the star on the top.

"Okay you can set me down now" I laugh. He spun me around and he set me down.

"okay well ready for bed" He asked and gave me a kiss.

"Yeah" I smiled. I started to walk to the stairs when I felt something wrap around me. Andy wrapped me up in christmas wrapping paper.


"Your my present" He laughed.

"I hate you" I laugh.

note: Ahhhh so aweful i hated this one. But oh well

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