cant find the right words

137 5 3

(y/n) POV

"andy what are you doing you have been sitting on the bed for hours today. Are you alright" I walk into Andy and I's room and see him with a notebook a pencil in his mouth and an irritated look on his face.

"Andy are you alright" I walk over sitting next to him on the bed.

"No I have been trying to write this song and I cant find the right words." He says angered.

"Well what is the song about maybe I could help you" I say trying to be conforting.

"Well its about this amazing girl who is the love of my life who stole the heart I never thought I had" He gave a cheesy smile.

"Since when did you get all cheesy and gross" I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"I thought girls like that sorta thing" He asked confused.

"Wait so your comparing me to all girls now" I acted shock.

"wait no I love you please" His words racing out of his mouth.

"IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOOOO" I sang at the top of my lungs.

"I walked right into that" He says defeated.

"hahah yes you did and I love you for it. Now get dressed we are going to the mall" I get up off the bed.

"but wait the song" He says showing me his notebook.

"Hot topic is more important right now duh. They have 50% off all shirts. Mama needy some new merch" I sass snapping my fingers.

"Maybe I should write a song about hot topic and dedicate it to you" he says sarcatically getting out of the bed to get ready.

"hey it wouldnt be a bad idea" I smile and walk over and give him a light kiss on the cheek.

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