welcome to warped tour

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(y/n) POV

"Hello my most favorite people. How is tour treating you?" I barge into BVB's Tour bus and see everyone sitting around and getting ready for their show.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Andy's excited voice as I look at him run over to me and wrap me in a huge bear hug.

"Okay Okay I love you to but I need to breath" I laugh and he lets go of me.

"Oh yeah sorry" He chuckled.

"So what are you doing here I thought you be home." Jake asked. I look at him then back at Andy.

"Well.....lets just say that I am going to be performing as well" I say calmly. Andy's face flushes with shock and a huge smile spreads on his face.

"Oh my gish no way" Ashley buds in.

"Yep. This year my friends finally got invited to perform so they asked me to play bass for them" I explain.

"I am so happy for you" And walked over placing a warm kiss on the top of my head and hugged me again.

"And which means I will be touring. So I came over to surprise you. Because I love you" I say getting on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Best surprise ever." He says hugging the literal air out of me.

"Do you guys have a tour bus?" jinx asked as Andy and I seperated.

"Um well we arent that big yet so we just have a small van that our drummer cole got his hands on. So we just kinda bought some blow up matresses and kinda tried to do with what room we had." I say.

"Wait who all is in your band?" Andy says holding my hand.

"Well Cole who is the drummer, Aiden plays lead guitar, um Kristy is vocals, me as bass, then Louis as another guitarist" I explain.

"Wait so three boys then you and kristy in one van. If any of those boys lay a finger on my girl I hope you know there will be nothing left after I throw them into a wood chipper" Andy let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"No need to do that tough guy. One where the fuck would you get a wood chipper, two we are all like family we have talked about all this. Nobody is to fall in love with anyone else in the band because we dont need drama" I say looking back into Andy's eyes.

"Well you thought this out. This is why I love you. Also I have my ways of getting my hands on a wood chipper" He smirked.

"I dont want to know" I shake my head.

"hey maybe you could hang out with us on the road instead of that small van" Andy pleads. His eyes sparkling.

"Andy I couldnt leave my band to come here. Thats a true bitch move" I shrug my shoulders.

"True true" Andy lowers his head.

"Hey dont guilt trip be biersack" I lift up his head and make him look at me.

"Guys please dont get fluffy and shit around here will you. I dont want to see it" Ashley comments getting up from the couch and walked over to their fridge to get a water.

"Okay well I have to get going. I promised my band I be right back to help set up for our set" I say sadly. Andy frowns.

"Hey put that lovable smile back on." I say and kissed him making him smile within the kiss. We seperate and his smile doesnt fade.

"Another reason why I love you" Andy says. I ruffle his hair which he hates and waved goodbye to everyone. I take one more glance at Andy then walk out of the bus. This tour was going to be great.

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