I'm home

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*note this one is a little more heavy then some previous ones. So if you are sensitive to mentions of self harm dont read on. Just skip to next chapter. Luv you my unicorn children

y/n POV

I have had the roughest two months of my life. I left the black veil brides tour to go back home to get things I needed done. And to give Andy his space and to have fun without me being a weight on his shoulders.

But during the time I got home stress has built up in me and bad thoughst started to get louder and louder. I would try to call andy only once a day because I thought I was being a bother. And I hated those clingy types. But as the thoughts got louder I wanted so much to hear Andy's voice. For him to make me feel better. But I decided not to bother him.

However there was one person I was always confident about talking to. And it was jinxx. Jinxx would talk to me about things he was going through and he let me vent. I told him not to ever tell andy because I didnt want him to stress. And he understood.

But even that wasnt good. Late at night when I had nobody I would wake up and well burn myself. I found more pain in it then cutting. I felt like I deserved the pain that was given to me. And I didnt deserve to be with andy.

(time skip)

I was having a rough day of work and I had so many built up emotions that when I got home I went straight to my room so I could get my lighters.

I walked into the room and ran to under the bed where I kept them in a small bag. I grabbed the bag and opened it with now tears rolling down my face. I hated the way I was.

There was nothing in the bag. Nothing. No lighters, no matches. Nothing.

"looking for these" I hear a deep voice. I look up to see Andy in the doorway with a handful of my lighters. I stood up and he dropped them opening up his arms. I ran and collapsed into his hold and cried missing his scent and the way he would hold me.

"You werent going to be back until two more months" I sniffle as I held onto this moment.

"Jinxx told me everything" He said. I didnt want to be mad at Jinxx. But I did cause now Andy knew. I was planning to stop when he would get back. I didnt want him to find me like this.

"Jinxx told me and usually we would get a day or two off to go sight seeing but I decided to fly back here and make sure you were okay" he held me tighter like he was afraid to lose me.

"You didnt have to" I say looking up at him into his colorful eyes.

"Well I did. And you are coming back on tour with me" he said sternly.

"Andy I dont want you to think that since I cant mentally help myself you dont have to baby sit me is what I am saying." I vent.

"Oh no its not that. I missed your cuddles and your kisses after a great show." He laughed.

"Why ashley's cuddles and kisses arent good enough" I tease.

"You brat" He kissed the top of my head and we just enjoyed the moment.

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