setting horizons

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(y/n) POV

I walked out to my backyard and looked up at the tree that had stood their for years. As long as I could remember. It started out from a small little bush. Now it is a strong tree. I climbed up it's branches carfully until I got to my favorite branch that I liked to sit on. I got myself sturdy and sat looking out at the setting sun. Oranges and pinks spread their way across the horizon as the sun seem to leave for the night. Soon the dark woul return and the twinkling stars would rise.

"Hey stranger could I come up" i look down from where I was sitting and see a smiling Andy Biersack. Seeing him always put a smile on my face.

"You didnt call and tell me you were coming back from tour" I say excited as he started to climb up. He made it up to the branch I was sitting on and I scooted over for he could sit by me. Once he was balanced I laid my head on his shoulder and accually started to cry.

"(y/n) Shh why are you crying" he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head.

"I missed you so much" I say. As stupid as I may sound right now. I was so happy to have him back. I havent been able to see him in a year. Sure we talked on the phone. But having him here in person made me fall apart.

"I missed you to. But I am here now. Lets think happy. put that amazing smile that I love" He lifted my head up so I looked at him. Looking at his twinkling eyes. His eyes shined brighter than the stars in the sky.

"Andy How was tour" I say.

"It was good. I missed you though" He brought me closer to him and placed a long and soft kiss on my lips. Making my heart skip a beat and my cheeks warm up.

"I missed you so much" I smile as a single tear fell down my face. Andy gently wiped it away.

"Only smiles" He says gently. He moved his hand from my waist and interwhined our hands together. I laid my head on his shoulder and we looked at the sky. It was calm. The wind gently blew through the leaves of the tree making a soft russling sound. And always knew how to make me feel better.

andy biersack x reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now