horse back ride

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This was my third year of performing at warped tour and I loved it dearly. I played lead guitar in my band called (b/n). We were already a few songs into our set. We were on our last song and I decided to give this one my all. I stepped up to the front of the stage with my guitar and played like I would never play again. As if it was going to be my last time performing.

The audience loved it. I even smiled up from my guitar and at them a few times. And after the song I threw my hands up in the air and let my guitar hang. I lower my hands and smiled feeling overjoyed. Our lead singer who my best friend came up to me and gave me a side hug and leaned into my ear.

"That was the best performance ever" They said patting my back. They walked to the front in the middle of the stage and gave a loving speach to the crowd. Something they always did at the end of a show. I walked to the back of the stage and set my guitar down on a stand and walked to the front of the stage with the rest of the band.

"We love you guys so much" Our singer screamed into the mic and the crowd clapped. As we were about to exit the stage I see Andy run up to me and picked me up in his arms swinging me around in a circle.

"That was the best show I have seen you do I am so proud" He says setting me on the ground and crashing his lips onto mine. I hear the crowd erupt in a chorus of 'awes' and 'cute'. I blush and we seperate. I look into his deep blue eyes.

I look away out at the audiance to see some with their cameras and phones out. My cheeks most likely turning a deeper shade of red.

"Andy I love you" I say and kiss him again. He smiles and turns around bending his knees.

"Want a horse back ride to your tour bus madam" He says in a fake british accent.

"Why thank you kind sir" I immitate hoping onto his back. He stood up and I waved at the crowd as he ran off the stage with me on his back.

(Note: its whatever you say. Horse back ride or piggy back ride. Same thing dont come after me. Love you guys)

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