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(y/n) POV

Andy and I have never done an interview with eachother so tonight before his last show on tour we agreed to do one. So which meant I accually had to get out of this tour bus and look decent. So I got out and got ready putting on a nice high waisted black skirt with my MCR shirt and knee high black socks. And to top it off I wore Converse. I brushed my hair and did my makeup. I walked out of the small bathroom that was in the tour bus and out to the also small kinda living room I guess you could say.

"Why do you dress like a teenager" I hear Ashley comment. I look down then back up at him.

"Fuck you and your opinion Ash. Teenagers look like me" I sass snapping my fingers.

"what ever helps you sleep at night" Ashley comments.

"I think Andu helps with that" CC fired. I walk over to him and slap him in the arm.

"You dirty minda asshole." I laugh. Andy comes into the bus.

"well dont you look cute" He walks over warpping his arms around me and placing a kiss on my head.

"Thank you but I appreciate if you dont get all your black paint on my though" I say taking his arms from my waist.

"Why your wearing black mostly it wont show" He whined.

"Whatever ready for that interview" I say kindly. He nods and holds my hand. I wave bye to the rest of the band while they still were getting ready for tonight's show. We walked over to the venue and inside. Andy took us to the green room or as you may know the room where we were doing the interview. There was this younger lady with long black hair and bright purple tips. Along with a taller male holing a camera.

(I was going to do brian starz but whatever I just made up some random person)

"Hello I am Violet" She said with a british accent. We shake her hand and she stands closest to Andy. So Andy was basically in the middle.

"ready to start. I will just ask some questions you answer laughs and then you can be on your way" She said kindly. She picked up a mic and nodded to the camera guy.

"Hi I am backstage with Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides along with his girlfriend (y/n) (l/n). So tell me how is it living in a bus with a band of boys" She moved the mic over to me. I smile and look up Andy then at the camera. "Well its hard at times. Thats all I am saying" I shake my head smiling.

"yes well Andy why did you decide to have your girlfriend on tour with you. Why isnt she home or whatever" I kinda found it rude the way she asked but I shrugged it off.

"Um well we talked about it and we decided that it be best for her to come along. We can become closer and besides I love her I couldnt be away from her" He flashes me one of his adorable smiles.

"Well yes I must agree. Um how did you meet?" She looked at both of us not asking either of us in particular.  I look over at Andy who smiled even wider as if he was thinking of the memory.

"Well she came to one of our concerts. She was in front row and I remember looking at her as she sang her heart out with our songs. She looked so happy as she sang. I accually had to rmind myself that I was performing and she wasnt. Anyway after the show she came to the meet and greet and I got to talk to her. I signed some of her items and she seemed sweet. So I asked her if she wanted to go get coffee. Which she obviously agreed. We had coffee and talked for an hour. She was so easy to talk to. I had to leave the next day so we texted. Finally the end of tour came and we decided to meet up. So I flew to her town and we spent more time with one another. Until I asked her to be my girlfriend" He looked down at me with such eyes that you could melt into.

"Well to me it sounds like she is a fangirl and you made a fans dream come true" I found offended by her words. As if our love was just that of a fangirl. It had really grown from that. Sure back then it was like tht. But I have learned that Andy is just another person and we became so close and he is way more than that of a celebrity crush.

"Listen you have it all wrong. I accually love Andy more than just another celebrity." I say kindly.

"listen I am not trying to asume anything. But I mean it does seem like it. I mean you now are getting so much attention on social media as well."

"Are you saying I am doing this for the fame now. You have a lot of nerve" I spat.

"Shh (y/n) dont do this" Andy says looking at me.

"I dont need this crap" I spat and walked out of that room and walked all the way back to the bus. I get in and slam the door.

"hey done already" I hear Ashley says but I storm pass them and walk to the back of the bus and into the bathroom where I slam and lock the door. I let myself fall to the floor and crawl up into a ball and just cry. I felt hurt.

"(y/n)? Whats wrong open the door please" I hear Ashley's gentle voice on the other side of the door.

"leave me alone" I croak out.

"What wrong why are you crying." Ashley says again.

"Ashley please" I say through my sobs. I hear foot steps walk away.

"Andy whats wrong. What did you do" I hear Ahsley's harsh voice in the distance.

"Where is she" Andy's deep voice rang through my ears.

I hear the door to the bathroom open and I look up from my place on the floor.

"how did you get in here" I say soflty. Andy showed me a key.

" i hate you" I say then lowered my head on the ground again. Andy fell to his knees and picked me up into his arms and cradled me like child.

"I love you and I want you to know that. What that interviewer said was not true. you are not just some fan. You are my girlfriend and I love you" he holds me close to him.

"Andy why are you so nice to me" I say lifting up my hand to the back of his head and pulled him close kissing him.

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