baby pictures

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We we're all gathered at Andy's old child hood home for Christmas. His family was generous and so kind. I loved them.

"Babe do you want some of these cinnamon buns" Andy asked from the kitchen.

"I am pregnant so yes of fucking course" I shout back. Getting a laugh out of Andy in response.

"Want to see some pictures of Andy when he was young" Andy's mom smiled.

"Yes. I needed a reason to make fun of him" I laugh. She gets up from the couch and walked off.

"Babe come here will you" Andy asked.

"If you want me to get off this couch you better come here take this heavy ass baby from my stomach" I laugh. Andy popped his head into the living room.

"You really are pregnant" he laughed and escaped back into the kitchen.

"Okay here is the book." His mom came back sitting next to me on the couch.

I open the book to see Andy when he was a teen. And of course he looked punk as hell.

"Some things never change" his mom laughed basically reading my thoughts.

She flipped the page to reveal more pictures of Andy.

"Andy your so cute" I squealed.

He walked in confusion  plastered on to his face.

"What are no stop it"Andy complained seeing the photo book sitting on her lap.

"Awe it's fine dear" she said. Andy walked over.

"Mom these are so bad" he said. His face flustered with embarrassment.

"Awe andy" I smile. He bends down looking at the picture.

"Look at that one awe!!!!" I laugh. I look up meeting Andy's blue eyes.

"Y/n do want that cinnamon bun now" he asked. I laughed and nodded.

"Okay I will get it for you right now" he kissed my head and walked away.

"Thanks"Andy's mom said sweetly. I looked over at her curiosity featured on my face.

"For what" I asked confused.

"I can tell you make Andy very happy. Which makes me happy and I just wanted to say thank you." She said with a smile sweetly placed on her face.

I look down at my hand seeing the ring Andy bought me oh so long ago. But yet not too long ago. Flashbacks of the purposal in my mind.

"But we all know Andy and what he is like. So I had to pick out the ring"I look over at her and laugh as Andy came back in with a plate of cinnamon rolls.

"What we laughing about" Andy asked sitting next to me.

"Oh nothing you should be concerned about." I steal a roll off the plate and bite into it feeling the warm doe in my mouth.

"I wander where your father is. I hope he didn't get lost on his way to the store"Andy's mother laughed getting up off the couch and walking out of the living room.

"Andy!" I squealed making Andy jump.

"What"he asked concerned. I grabbed his hand placing it on my stomach where there was another kick.

"He has been doing it a lot hasn't be"Andy smiled.

"I think you mean she"I corrected.

"Naw pretty sure it is a boy" Andy looked up at me.

"Nope it is totally a girl" I boop his nose with some of the frosting from the cinnamon roll.

"How rude" Andy laughed taking off the frosting.

"Hahaha love you" I lay my head his  shoulder and he grabbed my hand holding it gently.

"I'm still hungry" I look up at him with pleading eyes.

"I'll go get more cinnamon rolls"he let's go and walks away.

"Love you" I call out.

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