Pre performance

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Note: the picture above is the makeup your doing. Basically his Andy sixx warpaint look or whatever ^

(y/n) POV

"Stop moving" I shout in frustration as Andy kep twicting his eye while I tried to do his makeup.

"I dont trust you with that near my eyes let me do it" He says.

"You agreed I could do it last night. Its your fault" I snarl. I hold his head while i stood over the chair he was sitting on trying to fix his eyeliner.

"ANDREW" I say as he made me mess up.

"I cant help i feel like your going to stab out my eye" he says. I hear Jake laugh and I turn to him since they were all in the dressing room.

"Shut it Jake or I will stab you in the eye with this" I say.

"Now sit still" I say again. I start to stroke more of the makeup up his eyelid as his eye starts to twitch again making me mess up the line I was doing.

"Andy I swear to pete wentz" I look him in the eyes. One kinda done and the other not even touched yet. And they go on soon.

"Here let me do it then" he gestered for me to give him the eyeliner.

"I wanted to do something though to help you get ready for a perfomrnace because I feel like I just sit around and then watch the show and then its off to the next show" I rant.

"You are important. When I know your watching I try to make it the best show. Which is great for everything" He says pulling me down so I was sitting on his lap.

"Well yeah but" he cuts me off placing a kiss on my cheek.

"You are important to me" He hugged me bringing me into his chest.

"You guys are so cute but you make me want to puke" Jinxx says throwing a pillow at us from the couch in the dressing room.

"Whatever" I stick my tongue out at him.

"So why dont we try this again" Andy whispered into my ear sending chills up my back.

"Fine" I say and stand up. I start with his eye again and start until I am done.

His makeup looked great. I turn him to the mirror and he smiled.

"Wow better than when I do it. Too bad it might get messed up during the performance" Andy laughed standing from the chair and kissing me. I smile feeling happy that he was happy.

That show was one of the best I have seen them do.

*I dont know why or how I got the idea for this chapter. I was accually listening to kick me by Sleeping with sirens while writing this. Dont know why I siad that. Oh funny story I was in my spanish class and i went up to the board and wrote gerard way is our lord and savior. And my teacher read it and was like who is gerard way. So I said he is obviously our lord and savior. Then I whispered under my breath that he is also the savior of the broken and the damned. She asked what I just said and I acted dumb and I shrugged my soulders. The best part is she left up the gerard way is our lord and savior. And just wrote around it. I feel special because she hates whne people write something on the board. SHe usually earases it. SOO YAY. Plus she said gerard correctly. Anyway hows life. Luv you my unicorn children.

andy biersack x reader imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora