SORRY about that

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My friend and I thought it was the best idea to find our way to the back of the stadium. Where we could meet the boys of Black Veil Brides as they came out. Not my idea. And to be honest I have no idea how we pulled it off without getting caught. Maybe it was because she was a a photographer. So she had a pass around her neck and she could just say she was taking pictures.

We were sitting by the exit where the door was. We had been standing here for a total of an hour. The concert had ended so long ago.

"They arent coming out this way. Lets just go" I say irritated because I have waisted my time here. I could have gotten home by now and slept. Because some people have to go to work in the morning. I get up and start to walk off when the door flies open. I didnt have time to react. The hard metal door came flying open and hit me with full force. I am thrown hard to the ground. The concrete ground I may add. I yelp out in pain. My head hurt bad and I knew I was gonna feel it tomorrow. Fuck I was feeling it now.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry" I hear a deep voice rush out. I open my eyes and look up to see someone towering above me. Holy mother of pie sauce it was Andy Biersack. I get to my feet and brush myself off.

"Listen I am so sorry for hitting you with the door" He rushes out.

"Well maybe next time you could open the door like a normal human being and open it at a normal speed so people on the other side have time to react. Instead of fucking opening it like its a gosh damn raid." I say a tad irritated.

"yeah I know I am so sorry" He says again.

"You said that already" I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh um yeah sorry. Uh here what can I do to make it up for you" He says.

"nothing I waited an hour here and I am ready to go. Loved the concert loved you. But I am tired." I say surrendering.

"Wait are you driving home?" He asked.

"no I am going to ride my magical fucking unicorn which I bought from Mikey way all the way to rainbow happy town. No shit I am driving home" I say. I dont know why I was being so rude. Maybe cause I was tired. Oh wait maybe it was because I had a 100 + pound door literally swung at me. BUT I AM NOT BITTER!

"Well I dont think you should drive concidering you got hit by a door" He said trying to sound concerned for me. I think he was just hoping I wouldnt sue his ass. I didnt have time for that anyway. My friend came up and waved at andy with a big grin on her face.

"Can your friend drive you home?" he ask pointing at my friend who was gazing at him.

"no she doesnt know how to drive a stick shift. And my truck is." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Then you are coming with me until morning." He grabbed my arm gently and tugged me to what i guessed was his tour bus.

"What Hell no I am fine" I say pulling away. But he wouldnt have it. He picked me up bridal style and walked me into the bus. He sets me on the couch.

"Now stay" He says laughing. I groan and give in. My friend smiles still plastered on her face. She sits on the other side of the couch and gets comfortable.

"Best decision ever walking infront of that door" She says. I scoff and clse my eyes.

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