Chapter 1: Dream Introduction

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"Witch of love ? What kind of power do you use then ? Small heart blades ?"

Kids laughed,pointing at you as they did. You just sighed,looking straight and walking. It's your first day in the witch school as an elementary student,and you're already used to these traits. Ever since you were a baby,up to until now,you've been made fun of for being a witch with a rare type. You're 10 years old now but your mind knows a lot advanced than it should be.

Your life was always a hell. You just wished you'd just die everytime and see if they'd care,but you knew that somewhere you still don't know,a good fortune awaits. So you should continue to live.

After a not-so-good 9 hours of school,you walked back home with the same routine. Laughs of the animal and elemental witches rang around you,but you have no choice. Even though you want to fight back,they can use magic and just defeat you easily. Yours is still locked and you don't know how to unlock it. Ask your parents ? Nope. You can't.

"(y/n) ! You're 10 minutes late !"

You froze as your father's voice boomed as soon as you entered the door. You started trembling,looking up at the muscular male in front of you. He was glaring at you,holding a baseball bat. "Didn't I tell you to come home at exactly 3:30 ? What time do you think it is now ?" He asked strictly. You clenched fists,looking down. "3-3:40…" You stuttered. Your father grabbed your collar and tossed you inside,making you slam hardly on the ground and slightly roll backwards. You yelped as you felt the pain from your back,and from your old bruises and cuts. You started whimpering,looking up at your father with pained eyes. "You disobedient child !" He scolded,raising the bat and harshly hitting your frail body repeatiedly. You cried out loudly as the bat harshly met your body,coughing up a bit of your blood and whimpering for him to stop.

"(y/n) ! Wake up !"

You felt hands shaking you repeatedly. Your eyes shot wide as you sat up,panting heavily. Stein sighed,looking at you. "Are you okay ? I heard your cries from my office…" He mumbled. You looked down,sighing and giving a nod. "Yeah… I'm fine… It's just a dream… Sorry.." You muttered. Stein adjusted and looked at you with a sigh,before patting your head gently.

"Okay then. Just go over my office if you need something." He smiled,standing up. "You'll be going to school tomorrow. Sleep tight,(y/n)." You looked up at him,then nodded with a smile. "Yeah… Good night,papa…" You scratched your head. Yep,by the time he took you in 6 years ago,you treated him like he's your real father. Not to mention your real ones never saw you as a daughter.

Stein just smiled then left your room. You sighed,laying back down and cuddling your blanket.

"Psh… Can I handle this myself tomorrow…?"

Witch of Love ? (Blackstar x Reader fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now