Chapter 42: Flying doors

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Blackstar yelled out as he stepped out of the airport. The flight only lasted for 5 hours,and he's happy about it. "Which way ?" He turned to Stein. Stein sighed,pointing ahead. "Straight. Then we'll turn to the third corner." He said. Blackstar grinned widely,then started running. "Blackstar ! Wait up !" Tsubaki sighed,running after her meister.

Blackstar gritted his teeth then skidded,turning to the said corner.

He stopped when he saw a portal. Black portal to be exact. As soon as Tsubaki and the other two caught up,Stein smiled. "We're here. This is the passage to the witch realm." He grinned. "And I think we're lucky cause it's night time to their world at this moment." He crossed his arms. Kuroha blinked. "Really ? Why ?" He asked. "Well… They're all asleep. So we can sneak in without being noticed." He smirked,stepping in the portal. "Follow after me."

As soon as Stein disappeared in the portal,Blackstar jumped in without hesitation. Kuroha simply walked in with Tsubaki behind him,hands properly placed behind her back.

~*~*~*~*Timeskip to 3 hours*~*~*~*

"Seriously,Stein ? Where are we ?!"

Blackstar exclaimed,gripping Tsubaki's handle. Stein held the screw from his head then twisted it,looking around. "I'm serious. It's here." He said,holding Kuroha in his scythe form now. "But it's a forest !" Blackstar said. Stein shushed him and walked into the forest.

Blackstar followed,obviously super impatient. He already wanted to see you,and make sure you're safe. The forest wasn't really thick and large,so they made it out easily. Blackstar was about to speak when…

"Go away !"

His eyes shot wide,same as Stein's. They exchanged looks at each other,recognizing the voice. "It's her…" Blackstar muttered. Stein nodded,then turned his head to the right. "This way !"


"I never noticed how soft your skin is~"

Kazuko chuckled as he gently ran his fingers on your arms. You shuddered,squeezing your eyes shut.

"G-go away !"

You screamed out as you tried moving your arms to stop Kazuko from taking your last upper clothing off. But like he said,you won't be able to move. Kazuko continued to try and undo the clip of your bra from your back. You screamed out for help again and again,struggling and trying to get away. Soon,he got annoyed by it. "Shut up !" He yelled,landing a punch on your bare stomach. You gasped and coughed up a bit of blood,your vision getting blurry.

You didn't eat and drink for four days. And the drugs he injected in you were giving their side effects. Your whole body was in pain because of his punches in attempt to shut your screams up,and it's on the verge of shutting down. But if you pass out now,it'll be one of those two outcomes;

One,you'll die from being beaten up a lot and for not eating and drinking enough.

Two,you may stay alive,but the thing you're saving for the right time and the right person's already stolen by your own father.

(a/n: Sorry,but the word 'virginity' makes me feel awkward. Sowwy XD)

"Good. You finally quieted down." Kazuko smirked as he finally undid the clip. You just stared at space,tears in your eyes as you helplessly felt everything he was doing. His hands roamed around your bare arms and landed on the loose straps of the clothing,before he grinned widely and started pulling it off. He was starting to get turned on when the door went flying on the other side of the room.

"(y/n) !"

Your eyes shot wide,turning your head to the door and seeing the silhouette of the same boy you wished would save you. Hope ignited inside you,slightly smiling.

"Y-you came…"

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