Chapter 21: Chips

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"So… Are you hungry ?"

Blackstar asked. You looked up at him,blinking. "Yeah. But… Do you plan on staying here all day ?" You asked. Blackstar blinked,then shrugged. "Depends." He stood up. "I'll go get food for you,okay ? Stay here,don't move." He stretched his hands out then went to the door. You sighed,watching him.

Sometimes,Blackstar's movements get you confused. Like… Why doess he stay around you ? And why does he drags you around wherever he goes ? Why does he go wherever you are,or always end up being with him everyday ? And lastly…

Why did he show up that time when you asked out for someone you can actually trust ?

It always disturb you. But the image of him holding that wide,goofy (yet cute) grin just erase all of it just in seconds.

And other thing. Everytime you were with Blackstar,Kuroha acts weird. He goes silent… And short-tempered. Like earlier. When Blackstar took your hand and asked you if you really were okay,you felt Kuroha's wavelength go insanely high and angered. It was always like that everytime.

"Tch… I'll ask them later…"

"I'm back !" Blackstar opened the door,holding a plastic bag. He went in then closed the door again,sitting beside you. You looked at him,blinking as he took out a bottled water and a bag of chips. He set the bag of chips aside then gave you the plastic. "There. I also felt hungry so I bought my own." He shrugged. You took the plastic bag,then looked at the contents.

"Oi. Why do you have the chips ? And it's potato ! Give me that !" You reached for the said food,but Blackstar grabbed it with a smirk before you. "Nah-uh,(y/n). You're sick. Sick people don't eat chips." He opened the bag then started munching on it. You whined,trying to reach for it.

"I don't give a damn ! I don't like how plain pastries taste,so give me that chips !" You yelled. Blackstar stood up,still eating the chips. Now it was harder to reach."Nope." He grinned. You growled,sitting up and raising your hands to catch it.

After minutes of trying,you groaned,getting off of the bed and standing up. "Give it !" You yelled. Blackstar blinked,standing on his tip-toes and raising the bag. "No !" You growled at his answer,jumping to try and reach the bag. Blackstar made a small cry when he tripped on the bottled water (which rolled off from the bed because you stood up forcefully). You blinked,then gasped. "Sh*t !" You cursed as you both ended up crashing on the floor,making a loud thud.


*knock knock*

"(y/n) ?"

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