Chapter 40: Percents

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"There. Eat."

Kazuko placed a bowl of… Something you don't know yet looking edible. You blinked,looking up at him and covering your mid-thighs. "What is that ?" You asked,glaring slightly. Kazuko laughed. "Food. Eat or die. It's your choice." He smirked,before winking and going out of the room. You snarled once the door closed,fists clenched. "You're gonna die soon… I know you will…" You muttered,before turning to the bowl. You sighed,squeezing your eyes shut and eating a spoonful of it.

You blinked,before turning your head to the side and spitting the stuff out. Your face scrunched up in disgust,coughing. "Tch…" You grumbled,kicking the bowl away from you as you sat in the corner of the room.

You hugged your knees,leaning against the wall. You sighed,closing your eyes and trying to ignore the small grumbling in your stomach. You hid your face in your knees,frowning a bit and letting a small yawn escape your lips.

"Just… Damn it…"


~*~*~*~*Blackstar's P.O.V.*~*~*~*

"You're still not gonna sleep ? Don't go sleeping less than 4 hours again." Kuroha looked at me as he fixed his pj's. Yep,he brought one along. I sighed,leaning against the bedframe and nodding. "Don't mind me. Go to sleep." I mumbled. Kuroha scratched his head,then sat on his bed beside mine. "Let me guess.. Thinking of (y/n) ?" He adjusted himself as he placed a blanket on his lap. I looked at him,then nodded.

"Ya know… She's lucky to have you thinking of her." Kuroha smiled. "Huh ?" I blinked,tilting my head. He chuckled. "More than 30% of people are lonely in this world. The other 50% are people who thinks of a certain person,but that person never cared or even appriciate it. And the 20% left are the people who thinks of someone,and that someone actually does the same."

He sighed happily. "I'm one of those people in the 30%. I'm missing a lot in my life and my own parents don't like me. Plus,I also lost 15 years of my early life because of an accident." Kuroha shrugged,before yawning. "So she's lucky cause she's in that 20%." I looked at him for a while,making me think.

Where am I included in the three ?

I don't know if (y/n) thinks of me back… But I do think of her. A lot. I can't even sleep with the thought of her dad hurting her around ! What more if he tried doing nasty things… Tch,I swear I'm gonna kill him if he takes (y/n)'s dignity !

"Anyways,good night. Go to sleep,and don't overthink." Kuroha smiled then laid down,placing the blanket on him and turning around,showing his back at me. I sighed then laid down also,looking at the window. One day more… Just one day.

Wait for us,(y/n)

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