Chapter 8: Cleaners' fortune

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"(y/n) ! You done already ?"

Kuroha grinned. You looked at him,then nodded with a smile. "Yeah. Let's go home." You stood up and grabbed your bag. Kuroha laughed then started walking. You took your green notebook,then went after him. But your socks suddenly felt a bit disturbing,making you set the notebook down and adjust it.

"(y/n) !"

Kuroha yelled,making you sigh and stand up straight again. "Coming !" You yelled,running off.


"Agh… I'm assigned to clean the classroom again…"

Blackstar lazily grumbled. Tsubaki just smiled. "You're with me anyways. You can just move the tables and chairs so I can sweep under them. You're strong enough." She commented. Blackstar just scratched his head,before sighing and going over to take a table.

He blinked,seeing a green notebook. He took it then turned to Tsubaki,who was wiping the windows. "Hey… Is this yours ?" He asked,raising the notebook. Tsubaki stopped to look,then shook her head and went back to cleaning. "Nope." She answered. Blackstar just stared at the notebook,sighing. Because of curiousity,he took it,flipping pages.

He was scanning it when his gaze passed by your name written in a long phragraph. He quickly stopped then opened to the page,reading the paragraph.

"Tch… Do they even get tired of teasing me ? I feel like it's already a part of my daily routine… They're all like '(y/n) this' and '(y/n) that',with bully names next to my name. Does being a witch of love make you weak ? Sigh,I just wish I'm born as a normal one…"

"Witch of love…?" Blackstar blinked as Tsubaki went to him. "Oh… Well,that kind of witch was very rare,and it's hard to unlock their magic." She said,making Blackstar turn to her. "Really ?" He blinked. Tsubaki nodded. "Yep. Their magic can only unlock once they feel love that exceeds parently love,and when they had their first kiss with the person he loves or the person who loves her." She explained,looking at the notebook and noticing your name written at the back part. "Look,it's (y/n)'s notebook." She blinked,pointing at it. Blackstar looked at the part,making his eyebrows furrow. Tsubaki looked at him. "Anything wrong ?" She asked. Blackstar closed the notebook. "I read one of it's pages. And it says here that the owner of this is a witch of love. Mainly because I think this is her diary." He went to his bag then placed the notebook in it. "So… You mean…

(y/n) is secretly a witch of love ?"

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