*Chapter 56*

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Ingrid's POV

Madam Pomfrey was right, in a few days, I was able to leave the Hospital Wing. Katie, Oliver and Penelope had visited me every day, my arms healed first so I was able to eat all the chocolates I was given.

Katie was right about my parents as a letter was given to me a few days after. This explained everything, after school, I never have to see Camille ever again. Thank Merlin!

I went back to my normal lessons and obviously, I got jeers from the Slytherins for falling off my broom. The only person from Slytherin who didn't jeer at me was Draco Malfoy, no Malfoy just scowled at me. I'm pretty sure that's because I got him a detention, but that's his fault so I don't care.

This year my favourite lessons have to be Charms. This isn't because my House Captain is my teacher but because the lessons are so interesting.

Last lesson we started to learn about Patronus charms, so this lesson we are going to learn how to cast them. I can't wait because I want to see my animal, I hope it isn't anything gross like a blobfish. To be honest a blobfish is pretty cool but it wouldn't be any use guarding off dementors.

We sit down in our seats and Professor Flitwick yells in his squeaky voice "Right everyone, pull out your wands. And remember to think of your happiest memory."

I nodded and pulled out my wand. We took it in turns and no one has cast it yet. I blink and it's my turn. "Right, Miss Ferguson, your turn!" Professor Flitwick speaks.

I look around and try to think. Then I see Oliver a few seats away. I smile and think of our time in the Forbidden Forrest.

"Expecto Patronum!" I speak clearly.

Everyone watches in awe as a Butterfly flies out of my wand. I was pretty shocked too, I just thought of it randomly and now I've cast it. The first person in my class to cast it.

"Congratulations, Miss Ferguson!" Professor Flitwick cheered. I always knew that he liked the Ravenclaws to dominate.

Penelope was the second one to cast her Patronus. It was a dragonfly and we both were surprised, I was expecting something like a tiger but she cast a dragonfly. When it came to Oliver he tried, but he failed. He seemed pretty frustrated but he shouldn't be.

Only Penelope and I had cast them during the lesson, no one else did. Knowing Oliver however, I know that he likes to be better than people. Not in a bad way, he just pushes himself too hard and when he fails he feels like shit.

This is how I knew, when he approached me at the end of the lesson, that he wanted help.

I was sat on a bench outside, waiting for Oliver to come out. Penelope had Ancient Runes, but I didn't have it. It was a free period for me, and I knew it was for Oliver too. Why the hell would he choose Ancient Runes?! He can't get through with History of Magic, so he wouldn't want that.

He finally walks out, he spots me and walks over smiling. He sits down next to me and I immediately ask "What took you so long?"

He smiles "You already know don't you?!"

I looked at him and blinked in confusion.

He sighed "Fine, I was asking Professor Flitwick for extra help, but he said that we have another lesson tomorrow so I can practice then!"

"It's okay, you'll get it." I comforted.

"Hang on'" Oliver thought, a lightbulb seemed to have appeared. "Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?"

I smirked, "Is this a date, or an exude to make me teach you how to cast the Patronus charm?"

"Fine," He sighed "Please can you teach me, it'll kinda be like a date!"

I smiled "You only had to ask."

"Okay then," He replied thinking "Can you meet me in the room of requirement at eight?"

"Yes, student!" I teased.

"Well, it's a date, Professor!" He smirked.

Great, now I'm just imagining myself as Professor McGonagall. That seemed to be his intention as he chuckled, kissed my cheek and waved goodbye.

I then proceeded to walk to my dorm room, I guess Katie was coming around again!

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