No. (01)

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"Vito! What the h*ll were you thinking boy?!" Yondu shouted tightly holding the faintly blue boy's wrist as he tried prying it off.
"Let go of me!!" he yelled back, "You ain't my Ma!! You ain't got no right to do this!" he wailed.
The father quickly grabbed the other wrist squeezing just as tight, "I may not be your Mama, but I am your Daddy so you're gonna show me respect!" he barked. Vito gave a gulp containing himself mostly, regardless he did stomp his feet.
"Let go, let go, let go now!!!" he cried. Yondu rolled his eyes, Vito had been doing this much more often. It was a pain. Of course he hated that he wasn't able to see Vito past three days old, that was up til last year, but he never wanted to deal with him in his terrible toddler stages.
This hadn't been the first time the 14-year-old had acted this way, especially recently.
He'd refuse to eat until Yondu finally forced it down his throat. He'd kick, hit, and bite if something didn't go his way. He'd curse up a storm if someone really annoyed him or got him going on something. Mostly so, he'd purposely disobey what orders he was given. It was ridiculous to the father.
Having enough he jerked the boy closer landing three swats to his bottom. Vito bit his lip to try resisting the urge to say anything little related but couldn't stop a whimper from leaving him.
Catching the whimper the father growled out, "Yeah, that's what I thought. Yer gonna start listening to me or so help me there will be more of those in your future," he saw the boy starting to pout making him grab his face squeezing his cheeks together, "and yer gonna wipe that ridiculous look off yer face. Am. I. Clear?" he warned leaning in closer at each period, their faces now inches away.
Another gulp from the boy, it was getting hard to push away the little urge. He nodded as well as he could manage. Relieved, the father let go pushing the boy to the ground.
It might as well been a game over for the boy as he started whimpering and whining, wanting nothing more than his pacifier now.
The father dismissed it, pointing warningly, "Don't you start. I mean it," this about made him pout again, but the father was quick to end that taking a stomping step closer to frighten the boy, "don't you test me. My boy or not I can and will eat you," he nudged his leg with his foot, "now, go on. I'm done with you."
Vito gave a sniffle, struggling to his feet, biting his lip, he wished his father would go on, not wanting him to see himself waddle, like a small toddler still trying to get a hold of walking, which was generally the age he mentally regressed to, but it didn't seem he was going to.
The little begrudgingly did so suckingon his fingers, trying not to make it too obvious. The father sighed, "I know I didn't kick him thst hard, barely even touched his leg," he muttered watching his son waddle. He sighed wandering off thinking back.
As said, Yondu hadn't seen the boy past three days old up until ladt year where they stumbled upon each other accidentally. He couldn't help but wonder what had happened. The previous year, the 13-year-old boy was perhaps overly obediant to his father, having the admiration of a a child.
He had to snort, a child. It was certainly what he was acting like now, just in a different sense. Such as a year before he would've done anything to make his father proud, now he was simply being a brat. All this caused him to grin believing he had a way to fix this misbehavior, he'd just need some things.

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