No. No. No. No. No. No. No. (27)

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It was about afternoon the next day, Vito had pulled himself from his younger headspace but wasn't fully out of little space. The little was sitting in his own seat, eating some fruit they managed to get, Kraglin chuckled as pink stained the little's cheeks.
"Makin a mess, aintcha, boy?" Yondu hummed. In amusement. Vito hummed softly and happily, too and Kraglin chuckled, gently rubbing a stain off with a soft napkin, "Tell papa of course you are, you're just a little boy," he cooed. Much to the two's amusement, Vito took Kraglin literally.
"Of cowse, papa! I jus' a wittle boy!" he squealed. This got a chuckle out of them both and Yondu gently ruffled his hair.
"Ah yes, that ya are son. That ya are indeed, now, finish up yer lunch. We still got some work to do," he instructed and like that, it was mostly quiet again, allowing Kraglin and Yondu to focus back on finding another mission.
They had one they were looking at, it would require a fair amount of the crew, themselves included, but was relieved to see that Oblo wouldn't need to meaning they had a babysitter.
"Daddy?" Vito squeaked, Kraglin hummed softly and looked to the little.
"Yes sugar?" he cooed, wiping off Vito's cheeks again making the boy giggle once more but he did ask.
"Wha you an papa doin?"
This made them both tense, they knew big Vito understood their work but how could they sugar coat it for a little Vito?
"Uh, well son, daddy and I..... we're gonna go on a lil trip with some of the crew, baby," Yondu eventually said, sparing a majority of the details. Vito gasped and shook his head.
"Noooo! No papa, wan you bof hewe!" he pleaded with sad eyes. While Kraglin wanted to coddle and coo and reassure it would all be ok, Yondu had a different approach.
"None o' that, boy. You'll be ok. Oblo will be here wit' ya."
Vito huffed regardless, sulking up. Yondu rolled his eyes but it offered Kraglin the chance to try his method. He gently scooted Vito onto his lap.
"Dumping, I know ya wanna be with papa and I but but we gotta do this, c'mon now, where's our happy baby?" he cooed starting to gently tickle him. Vito only naturally melted into unwilling giggles.
"Nohoho mama! Noooo! N-no tihicwes!" he squealed.
Kraglin hummed in playful thought, "I dunno, are you a happy little boy again?" Vito squealed again.
"Yeheheaaaah!" he promised past giggles. Kraglin let their game continue for a little bit longer before giving in and kissing his head.
"Buuuuut," the little squeaked out, "wan s'eep wif ta cwew, mama!" this alarmed both parents.
"Why in the galaxy do ya wanna do that, boy?" Yondu demanded, eyes narrowed.
"Wan make them happy! 'Fowe ta jobso dey do good on it!" Vito explained, gently clapping his little hands as he did. There was silence as both considered it.
"On one condition ya can," Yondu finally determined making Kraglin look to him in alarm. The first mate was going to say a definite no.
"Ya gotta be a big boy. I don't wanna deal wit' no bawling when we got our job the next day, understand?"
Vito pouted a bit but already seemed to be working himself up to big space, not that it would last.
As Vito made his way to the crew part, a few hours after Yondu's agreement, he felt a sense of freedom, despite the fact he still had a diaper wrapped around his waist.
'Just because you're big, don't mean your punishment is over yet' Yondu had warned and Vito begrudgingly accepted that. At least he was getting to do this. As he reached the door, however, nerves set in.
He could hear the crew laughing at something from inside, making him hug the toy bear, Lest-ther, closer. The words he heard made him shrink back slightly.
"Tha's that dumbest scary story I've ever heard, Gef!"
Vito almost backed away to go running to Yondu and Kraglin, was it too late to be a little boy again? It unfortunately appeared to be because the door opened, revealing Brahl.
The crew member smirked at seeing Vito, "Aww well lookie here, we got us a little visitor. Awfully far from your crib, aintcha, runt?"
Vito's cheeks burned at the nickname, he resisted the urge to look back and see if Yondu and Kraglin happened to be close by. Another comment, made by Taserface, who poked his ugly head over to look out the door and at Vito, only made the purplish red blush worse.
"Best just push the brat aside, Brahl. Ain't no way he's big enough to handle what we're doin. He'd probably break down and need a pacifier or bottle to calm down," he sneered.
"Not to mention the diaper. He'd probably wet it outta fright," came another from Scrote.
"Or he may need somebody to rock him to sleep and hold him to protect him from the big, bad, scary monsters," rang Half-Nut, Vito's gaze with Taserface was never broken though. Instead, he was merely greeted with a nasty smirk from the mean ravager. Vito wouldn't stand there and take it though, not while he was big. He still was trying to cling to his pride.
"Joke is on you, morons, I doubt I'd be afraid of anything you all have to say. I bet your stories are nothin but baby stories!"
Vito's bravery died on his tongue as Taserface stood up and loomed over the boy, making the urge to slip into little space harder than ever.
"Well then, good thing we got us a baby to judge, huh?" before any retort could be made, Vito was pulled by the hood of his bear footies, it was extremely fluffy and had little bear ears on the hood, and shoved into the room. It seemed they abandoned whatever Brahl was going after as the door was shut, judging by the smell it was more booze though.
"Well, why don't we let the little baby try to scare us first?" Half-Nut called, kicking his leg out to Vito's ankles making him stumble then fall.
The boy thankfully suppressed a whimper but settled on the floor, trying to think of the scariest story he knew. With a small breath, he started.
"Once there was a group of guys who would tap into baby monitors to scare the parents. They would say things into them like 'Your baby looks very delicious' and they took delight in seeing the lights hurry to turn on to check on the babies. One night, one of the boys, named Juan, decided to go alone because his friends had homework to do. He made sure the baby monitor he had was on the same frequencies as some of the houses he stopped in front of. He found one and said, 'I want to take your child' but the lights didn't turn on. He was confused until a voice spoke back from the monitor, 'I can see you'. It was then he saw a figure standing in front of a window. He was creeped out so he shut the baby monitor off and went back home. As he settled into the bed, despite the monitor being off, the same voice said 'Good night, Juan, I'll see you again eventually'. A few years later, he's a father himself. As he's sleeping with his wife, he hears an eerily familiar voice saying from the baby monitor in his daughter's room, 'Told you I'd find you again, Juan'."
Vito awaited to see the reaction but he didn't get what he was expecting. Instead of frightened expressions, a loud roar of laughter rang out, making his cheeks flush all over again.
"Figures a little baby would find that scary!" Narblik barked through his laughter.
"Oh noooo, I hope no one speaks into our baby monitor tonight!" Half-Nut called out, using a mocking frightened voice.
"Nice try, twerp," Taserface sneered, smirking as he laughed, "but that wasn't scary at all. Let us show ya how its done."
Sure enough, Vito regretted it. Vorker told a story of a ravager member going crazy after losing his toe and having it eaten for dinner, which was ironic given the member's missing eye which was replaced with a robotic one. Scrote had one of a man murdering all those close to him because of visions he was seeing, turning the people he loved into monsters.
Rex had one of a man who killed and cooked his ex-wife and fed her to his girlfriend only for his ex-wife's ghost to possess the girlfriend.
Gef told another story that was similar to Scrote's of someone killing innocent people because of a ghost telling him to do it. The others scolded Gef for his lack of originality but it spooked Vito no less.
Narblik had one of a ravager going insane with a ghost of another member he killed popping up, the first ravager was the only one who could see it and the ghost eventually got his revenge.
Kalo had one from a true experience of his near death experience with a ferocious beast.
Huhtar had one of a woman who was stalked by a crazy man who ended up killing himself and her by locking them in a room together.
Gef told as another, which was also berated for copycatting of Huhtar and Narblik, of a man going crazy because of him being stalked by a creepy clown like alien.
Lancer told a story of a pet animal who became too smart due to awful science experiments done on it and eventually was able to do the same as humans and ended up killing everyone on the team of experimenters.
Gef told a third story, also yelled at for and after banned to tell stories, about a scientist who created an all new creature that murdered everyone.
Erinic had one of a man who was supposedly the last man on Earth until he got a knock. It was only two sentences and thus very short but it was very creepy no less.
Brahl had one of a man who was visited by the ghost of his dead daughter who was trying to warn him of his death but he realized that too late.
Taserface had one of a little boy, wonder where the inspiration for the victim came from, that was sure he heard monsters in his closet but his parents dismissed him only to find his head bitten off the next morning and the previously closed closet door wise open and the window broken through from the inside meaning whatever got the boy was now roaming the world.
Wretch had a story of a lone survivor of an insane experiment done by a scientist to study demon possession.
Gibb had one similar to a combination of Bloody Mary and Momo but was called The Scary Man, the title held up to its name as he explained what would happen if the ghost demon was summoned.
Taserface got another one of a child's toy having a recorder and tracker in it and ended with the child being kidnapped and never seen again.
It was Half-Nut's that was the straw that broke the camel's back, however. He gave Vito a vicious smirk as he started, "Once there was a ravager captain. His ship was invaded by a cruel little beast called a Chubacke. All of the captain's crew had gotten mysteriously sick so it was just him and his first mate. First they hear odd creaking and scratching. Suddenly the lights went out, the ship stopped moving, and screams came from the crew quarters. The first mate went to check on the crew leaving the captain alone. Five minutes turned to thirty. Thirty minutes to a hour. One hour to two when he hears the creaking and scratching again. He's getting paranoid and can see the ghosts of his crew mates and even his first mate as he goes looking for them. Eventually, he's face to face with the Chubacke. The captain starts to run, trying to escape, he makes it to the crew quarters before he can't run anymore and sees all the dead bodies of all of his crew, then, creaking comes up behind him and the Chubacke kills him too, just as he had all the crew members."
Vito was struggling to not tremble, wanting to slip into little space and get away from all the scary stories, but Yondu had said he didn't want to deal with any crying.
Afterwards, Horuz had brought Vito a sippy cup of warm milk, it was a compromise Kraglin and Yondu were willing to make of not going in there themselves and further embarrassing the boy but ensuring his punishment was still carried through.
"Aww shucks, the baby has his bottle, guess it's time for beddy bye," Huhtar sneered mockingly. Vito gulped but said, as if it'd make a difference.
"I-its a sippy cup. Not a bottle."
"Cause that's so much more grown up," Wretch sneered. Vito whimper-whined softly but begrudgingly slipped the sippy cup in his mouth knowing Yondu likely put some sleeping medicine in the chocolate milk to help the boy doze off.
In record time, the medicine, which had indeed been added in, started to make him drowsy. The crew members willingly laid down but not before saying a few more cruel comments.
"Don't let the monsters in the closet getcha!"
"Or any spooky ghosts!"
"And remember to run from the Chubacke if you hear the telltale signs of scratching and creaking!"
"Try not to have a pee pee accident or run to mommy and daddy, especially if you wanna prove you really aren't a baby."
Vito drifted off to an uneasy sleep to the mocking sound of the crew's laughter.
A few hours later, Vito woke up but unlike when he went to sleep, he was little and scared and in a wet diaper. He whimpered softly but carefully got up, ignoring the sounds of snoring ravagers. He didn't want to be here. He wanted mama and papa where he knew they'd keep him safe so, quietly, he set out of the room.
He desperately wanted a pacifier right now but all he had was Lest-ther. He looked around the ship, trying to think past his scared and blurry thoughts to find Yondu's room until he heard a creak behind him.
His automatic thought was it had to be a scary monster or a ghost or a stalker or a clown or, worse than them all, a Chubacke. He let out a frightened wail and bolted off. There were now foot steps running after him though.
The blurred vision from tears made it hard to see though and eventually he smacked right into a closet door which not only hurt but meant he was cornered. He sunk to the ground and started to bawl harder, "M-mama! Pa-papa!! Wa-wa-wan my mama nd p-papa!!!" he sobbed.
"Well, it's a good thing papa is right here, son," a familiar voice said. With a choked sobbish-whimper, Vito slowly perked his eyes open. It was still hard to see but he saw the distinct color of blue kneeled in front of him.
"P-papa!!" Vito wailed with relief, flinging himself into Yondu's arms. Yondu grunted a little, almost knocked over but managed to stay upright. He hugged his son back gently and rose to his feet, bouncing the still sobbing little. Yondu sighed softly.
"C'mon, son, let's getcha back to my room," he mumbled.
Kraglin was sat up on Yondu's bed, hopefully when their relationship grew more it could be termed their bed, but Kraglin was a patient man, he was in a very light sleep, waiting for Yondu to return to go into a deeper rest. He was easily woken at the sounds of whimpering though. They sounded too quiet to be Yondu's admittedly leaving the first mate confused until he also heard the noises of Yondu's voice outside the door.
"Shhhh, shh, little blue. Papa's got you, it's ok."
Kraglin sat up just as the door opened, worried Vito was hurt, he got to his feet as Yondu carried the little inside.
"What's wrong? Is he ok?"
Yondu shrugged slightly, "Ain't been able to get him to say nothin. Just went out, saw him walking around, approached him until he started running. He ran into a door and I picked him up."
"He ran into a door? Oh sugar pie," Kraglin cooed, stepping closer to make sure the boy was ok. Once sure there wasn't any bruising or blood, they settled on the bed with Vito, both parents cuddling him.
"Why did you run from papa, baby boy?" Kraglin cooed gently, running a hand through his hair. Vito sniffled and whimpered.
"T'ink he was a C-chu...backe..." he explained pitifully. Both looked surprised.
"Where'd ya hear a story like that?" Yondu demanded.
With another sniffle, Vito answered, "Hawf-Nut...."
Yondu growled as Kraglin gave him a look of 'I told you so' before comforting the little.
"They ain't real, sugar. Don'tchu worry none," he cooed. Vito hiccupped then whimpered.
"Wha 'bout ta munsers in ta c'oset?"
Yondu rubbed his forehead seeming to catch on to what the night entailed, "Ain't none of them real, baby blue," he assured, sitting up, just now noticing the wet diaper. Kraglin did too and got the necessary items laying them down for Yondu to use then left to fix a warm bottle for Vito, earning a small, worried whimper from the little.
As the father tenderly changed the diaper, he reassured.
"Ain't no monster, creature, or ghost they toldja about really real, just scary stories. However, I think the baby has been spooked enough so, he's gonna sleep with mama and papa the rest of the night," he said, zipping up the footies once more and hugging the little close, laying back down. Kraglin returned soon enough with the bottle but it seemed Vito was still too scared to drift off.
"Baby boy, it's ok. Papa and I will protect you," Kraglin promised, kissing his head, "just get some sleep."
Slowly, feeling safe with Yondu and Kraglin did so knowing they'd protect him from anything scary that may have the thought to come get him and the little felt safe.

(A/N: Turned out way longer than I was expecting. 3,061 words not counting the A/N. That is the longest chapter I've ever written on any book so I hope you all enjoy. I wanna say that A) All story ideas I used stemmed from Creepypastas or two sentence horror stories which I enjoy to listen to in my big space, except for Half-Nut's that was made based on a scary story Kraglin told in a RP I did a while back. B) I wanna wholeheartedly apologize if any stories scared you. I left out as much dialogue as I could to keep it from being too scary. Hopefully it worked. Next few chapters will be mostly nice and fluffy so you have that to look forward to, have a great night/day!!)

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