No. No. (52) (Final Chapter)

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Kraglin's eyes were filled with tears, hearing Vito say papa was just the sign they needed, the confirmation that all this might really just be ok. It only furthered from there, by now, it was silent, it seemed Vito was all caught up so they just had to wait for the medic to return. Yondu took up playing poker over the holopad as Kraglin straightened the room up, cleaning up the stray toys and gathering dirty clothes, figuring laundry had been put off long enough. 
"Ya doing ok, Krags?" Yondu finally asked. Kraglin glanced back to him and hummed slightly but nodded. 
"Yeah. Thrilled, sir," he replied easily. Yondu nodded slightly in agreement, keeping his gaze on the game. Kraglin assumed that was the end of the conversation, so he was surprised when Yondu spoke again. 
"I'm real proud o' ya, ya know that?" 
This made Kraglin stop his work and look over to his captain, "P-proud, sir?" 
"Did I stutter?" Yondu retorted before chuckling and nodding, "Yes, I'm proud. This..... this past month has been crazy, but ya've been real good through it all," Kraglin paused, before smiling a little bit. 
"Has been pretty wild, huh? Getting a baby." 
"Meeting our grandson that we didn't even know we had fer 12 years," Yondu added with a small amused grin, Kraglin chuckled. 
"Learnin' our bigger boy may not be so big after all," Yondu laughed a little at that, grinning. 
"Wonder if Ethan even knows...." 
"Stars I hope not. Do you know how awkward that'd be for the poor kid?" (A/N: Really quick, shameless promotion, the wording was inspired by one of the chapters in Dad-Of-Pupper 's one shots book, please go check it out. It has all sorts of adorable (and some angsty) oneshots of Marvel characters and even some other fandoms! And the writing is soooo amazing! Now, onto your regularly scheduled final chapter) Kraglin asked bemused, making Yondu laugh again, but only continued listing all that had happened in the wild, short time of about a month. 
"Reconnecting with someone we swore would be out eternal enemy?" 
Kraglin snorted shaking his head, "Nah. I always thought you two would make up over something, I just didn't know over what..... We successfully lost the baby for a week and ended up here using hypnosis to bring him back to know what else is crazy, sir?" Yondu hummed, smiling happier than he had in a while, "We found love..... two old, dirty, foulmouthed space pirates, found love with each other," Kraglin subconsciously rubbed the ring Yondu had given him a while back. Yondu blinked slightly in surprise but smiled softly and nodded. 
"Yeah. I guess we did," Kraglin smiled bashfully, making Yondu chuckled softly and motioned him over, "c'mere you goof, give me a little kiss," Kraglin was eager to comply, knowing a Centaurian asking for a kiss was rare, understandably so. Their lips met a few moments, it was surprisingly gentle, but it just made them want it even more. It was, unfortunately interrupted by the medic opening the door, making them both pull away quickly. 
"How'd it go?" the medic asked a bit awkwardly having seen the end of the kiss, Yondu cleared his throat slightly and looked back at his son, as Kraglin started cleaning up again. 
"Fine, the boy answered what he could. Was kinda freaky to see since he was asleep but I think yer little tactic worked, he.... he said our names," he nodded slightly. The medic sighed relieved and nodded. 
"Well, it may or may not, sir, I mean, the memories could still be tangled up," he explained a bit nervously. Kraglin's shoulders drooped a little at that. All their excitement and joy and it may not even work? Yondu sent his first mate a sympathetic glance before looking back to the doctor and nodding. 
"Well, wake him up. Let's at least see if it worked." 
The medic nodded, standing back over by the bed again, "When I snap my fingers, Vito, you will wake," the medic paused a moment to let the orders settle in the sleeping boy's mind then, sure enough snapped. Vito jolted up a little, eyes wide and surprised. He looked around. Kraglin took a few steps closer to his son as Yondu stayed where he was since he hadn't left the bed side. Vito's eyes locked with Yondu's and the boy's regular voice, the one he had when he was big, was heard, and not in a mumble like it had been when he was answering the questions in the sleepy daze of hypnosis. 
"Papa? What's going on?" Yondu smiled a bit more as Kraglin stepped even closer, sitting on the edge of the bed and hugging Vito to his chest, kissing his head gently. 
Yondu chuckled softly as he watched the two, only pulling his gaze away when the doctor nudged him, he looked over to see him nervously nodding his head towards the door a moment. Yondu was hesitant, not wanting to leave his family's happy moment but, he nodded, following the medic over. 
"I'm glad it worked sir, still, I really wouldn't suggest overwhelming him just yet..... his mind is in a fragile state and while he obviously won't lose his memories again over it, it won't be good for him mentally," Yondu looked over at his family again and nodded slowly, turning his head back with a reassuring smile. 
"Don't worry none. We won't let that happen." 

(A/N: And here we are, the very last chapter. By the time you read this, the first chapter of the sequel, No Vito, will be published (as well as a possible second chapter if I get writing happy). I wanna thank everyone who ever read, voted, and commented on this story. This is the one story I've been able to keep interested in long enough to finish (apart from one shots cause, ya know, it's literally one chapter), so to know I have people that enjoy it really means a lot to me. It's because of you all partly that this book was possible so thank you again. I hope you all enjoy it and enjoyed the ride this book  gave and enjoy the future one to come. For the last time in this book, have an amazing day/night.)

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