No. No. (32)

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The next morning Yondu and Kraglin snuck in carefully to Vito's room, surprised to already see the little awake and playing with Tullk.
"Oh noooo, whatever will I do?" Tullk asked in a playfully high pitched voice, shaking a little brown toy.
"I save you!" Vito cheered, bringing in a blue doll with a blanket far too big for it, in a swooping motion like a super hero.
"My hero!" Tullk cried in the high voice then picked up a green toy with long ears on top of its head and he changed the voice, "Hahaha, not so fast hero!"
The parents smiled and fully stepped in, "Hi baby blue, where's Horuz and Taserface?" Yondu asked.
"Mess hall having some breakfast. The laddie wanted someone to play with him," he explained as Vito crawled up into his lap.
"Did he already eat?" Kraglin asked, smiling softly at the little but Vito ignored it, nuzzling into Tullk's shoulder which the first mate did think was odd but he brushed it off, it was still early and the boy was likely just cranky.
"Yeah, he had some Crinolia fruit with a bottle, lad was up early today."
"Well that's good, come on now, sugar, let's let Tullk get on with his work," Kraglin cooed but Vito merely shook his head.
"What do ya mean 'no', boy? C'mon, Tullk has work he's gotta do," Yondu insisted, holding his arms out to him.
Vito shook his head again, "Wan Tuwwk."
Yondu rolled his eyes as Kraglin chuckled taking a sweeter approach, "Now, baby, I know you had fun with Tullk but it's time for you to come with me and papa."
"Noooooo!" Vito whined, muffled by Tullk's jacket.
"Aww laddie, ya don't wanna see them? They've been gone all day yesterday, and I bet they sure missed you," Tullk encouraged, "c'mon now, let go," he coaxed, gently prying his fingers away from the leather coat much to Vito's displeasure.
"Tuwwk! Tuwwk noooooo!"
"I gotta work, laddie. I'll still see you at lunch."
"Not if he keeps this attitude up. Instead he'll have his diapered bottom in timeout," Yondu commented firmly, crossing his arms over his chest.
Tullk shook his head, finally sitting Vito on the bed, gently holding his hands, "No need, sir, I bet Vito'll be a lil sweetheart, won'tcha?" Tullk hummed gently. Vito whined fussily, pouting from behind the pacifier. Tullk dismissed it, ruffling his hair.
"Yeah, you will," he hummed softly, then he let go starting to walk to the door, doing so rather quickly so Vito couldn't latch on again.
The little whined again but shifted himself so his back faced his parents. Now Kraglin was really getting concerned while Yondu was just getting irritated.
"Sweetheart, whatsa matter?" Kraglin cooed gently, moving to sit next to him but Vito slammed his hand down, covering the spot.
"Don't wanna be neaw you!"
Kraglin furrowed his brows,
"Why not, baby?"
"You two no wanna be neaw me!" he accused. This surprised the two.
"Now, where would ya get an idea like that?" Yondu asked, crossing his arms over his chest, moving to sit on the end of the bed where Kraglin reluctantly joined him.
Vito huffed annoyedly, "How many days you two not hewe?"
"We've been busy kid. You know we can't spend every moment with you. I told you that," Yondu scolded, eyes narrowed.
"You two not haf job yes'erday!" Vito retorted.
"Now why don't we all just-" Kraglin's soothing protest was interrupted by Yondu's voice which he was trying hard to keep under control.
"We wanted adult time. So what. We can't spend every moment of our time off with ya!"
"So you no wan to!" Vito insisted, it was hard to tell since his back still faced the two but Kraglin could tell by his tone the little boy was about to cry.
"No, sweetie, it's not like that," Kraglin promised gently but Yondu was already riled up and clearly wasn't in the mood to be nice.
"Well if yer gonna be all bratty like that, maybe we don't want to," Kraglin nudged him roughly but Yondu just winced but continued on, "adults need time with other adults. It ain't much fun being with a baby all the time."
"Yondu," Kraglin hissed but the damage was done.
"Then why the f*ck would you want me as a little?" Vito demanded, traces of his childish tone gone.
"I never asked for you to be "my" little! You came that way! You should be greatful I even took you that way! You think I got time to always sit around and baby your *ss?! I been through it once. I was hoping I wouldn't have to again!" Yondu shouted. This made Vito wince, arms moving to his chest, more tears swelling up in his eyes and starting to leak out.
"Stop. Both of you," Kraglin said sternly, moving closer and hugging Vito close. The boy was still stunned from shock which was the only reason he didn't resist or struggle.
Hoping to calm Vito, he messed with his hair as Yondu rubbed his face in annoyance but seemed to be settling.
"Look. I never asked to be this way. All you ever had to do was say that you didn't want to deal with this. You weren't even supposed to find out in the first place."
"That's stupid. Moronic," Yondu growled out but it didn't necessarily sound angry, "you could be hurt in little space if you continued to handle it by yourself."
"Oh don't sound like you care," Vito scolded, shaking his head, still he nestled into Kraglin's shoulder who hugged him closer.
"Don't talk silly like that," Kraglin mumbled to Vito.
The boy huffed softly but nodded begrudgingly.
"You know papa cares about you," he added, this time Vito gave absolutely no sign of a response. Yondu felt bad but had just figured the boy was being stubborn. Luckily there was something he and Kraglin could do to try and fix that.
"Where's our boy, hmm? Our little baby boy?"
Vito seemed to ignore Yondu's attempt but Kraglin jumped in, "Is he..... here?" Kraglin teased, gently tickling his side. Vito squeaked and involuntarily let out a little giggle.
The first mate let out a playfully dramatic gasp, "Was that his sweet little laugh I heard? Well where is he?" he cooed, kissing his head as he poked his side again making Vito giggle again as he nuzzled closer.
"Aww listen to that," Kraglin gently and playfully pushed him back surprising Vito a few moments before the first mate started digging his fingers into his side and lifting his shirt to blow raspberries on his little belly. All the while, Vito was giggling and squealing, unable to stop.
"Look at that, look at my ticklish little baby! Are you ticklish? Hmm? Is my baby ticklish?"
"What?" Kraglin teased.
"Yehehes, I-I'm t-tihihi-" Vito couldn't even manage the word out, laughing too hard but it made Kraglin and Yondu smile no less. Kraglin continued his tickle attack, still.
"What? You're what?" he teased still.
"Tihihickwish!!" Vito exclaimed and while it was hard for the two to tell if he was little again or not due to the laughter, they did take note of the higher voice and the mispronunciation.
To find out the answer, Kraglin asked next, "Do we have our little baby boy back?"
"Yehehehes! Ihihihi youw wittleeee bahahabyy!"
Kraglin and Yondu's smile grew as the first mate picked him back up, holding him close, "That's all I needed to hear little boy," he cooed, kissing his head.
Yondu almost scooted closer to his family until his com binged. He sighed but answered the call.
"What?" he asked with narrowed eyes.
"There's someone asking for permission to dock, sir," Brahl answered.
Yondu sighed but nodded, "We'll meet them in the control room. Let them in."

Soooooooo few things to cover.
1) Sorry if the last chapter wasn't that great. I was at a slime convention as I wrote it.
2) In regards to the idea I had in the last chapter's A/N, I've decided to not do that but rather go with the idea of Vito's mother passing away shortly after Yondu had picked the boy up because there's some bits and pieces I wanna do involving Vito's original background in later chapters.
3) Another small update on little things I have, I've learned my little space really loves slime XD
4) I'd like to say this chapter admittedly wasn't as fluffy as I originally planned because it perfectly set up a request I got a while back but I hope you all are satisfied with the way this chapter concluded.
5) Last part, I can't decide whether I wanna do Peter in the next chapter or Stakar. Regardless of who wins, both will happen, I'd just like to know who you all want to see first because I'm indecisive.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the chapter, I'll try and update again soon and have a great day/night!)

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