No. No. (22)

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Light and color slowly swam to Vito's vision as his eyes peeled awake, he quickly shut them after, crankily rubbing his eyes.
"Good morning, baby, did you sleep good?" a voice softly asked to which Vito grunted.
"He's so grumpy," the other voice teased lightly, "hope he cheers up, cause this whole day is about his little self."
Vito furrowed his brows but opened his eyes and looked between Yondu and Kraglin, both who were sitting up, awake, "Huh?" he mumbled, both parents took note of his voice still being rather high. Vito was either still in the in between space or full little space and really, either one would work.
"It's a little day, just for you, bubby," Kraglin explained as he carefully helped Vito up to his own sitting position. His cheeks only lit up slightly, having the help for something so simple, it made him feel even more little earning a whine.
"No! 'M a big boy! Big!"
"Ya don't sound big," Yondu snorted as he slid off his bed to swap his turtleneck top for something more loose and comfortable. Vito fussily hit the sheets in front of him.
"Papa's just joking," Kraglin assured as to avoid a temper tantrum, "don't worry, we know you're a big, big boy, even big boys need help though, now, you sit there, I'll go get you an outfit. Ok?"
Vito grunts again, rubbing his eyes, "Want underwear," he mumbled loudly, ensuring Kraglin would hear it. Kraglin hummed softly in replu though, not sparing the young boy a glance. 
"Underwear ain't for littles, baby doll, you need a diaper," he cooed gently. Vito fussed again, hitting the sheets a second time.
"Hey, quit with the fit," Yondu warned, "we'll meet in the middle. You can wear a pull up," Kraglin gave Yondu an uneasy look but Yondu brushed off, adding after, "but if you have an accident while we're out yer going into a diaper, no if's, and's, nor but's."
Vito whined again but seemed to feel better about this arrangement. Kraglin nodded going to Vito's room grabbing a black top with two little cartoonish, babyish bunnies outlined in white so they were visible, it also had white words at the top reading 'Snuggle Bunny', a pair of light brown shorts and a pair of white socks figuring he could wear the same shoes he did yesterday. He grabbed the pull up and sat all the clothes on the bed, next grabbing a pink bag with a long strap and bunny on it. Vito never used it but it was from Oblo, when Vito had first come on the ship, he had hoped a gift might warm Vito up to all the big changes, so he never got rid of it either. It served as a good diaper bag though.
Kraglin hummed packing a few diapers, wipes, and the baby powder, he also grabbed a new outfit in case the shorts were soaked through. It was a plain pair of blue jean overalls and a race car onesie which was more of the kind a baby would wear as it snapped at the crotch. Kraglin also added a rattle and a sippy cup and a bottle. He snapped the bag shut, gathering it, the outfit Vito would put on, and Lest-ther.
He returned to his captain's room, he was expecting to hear an argument or something so when it was calm he was both relieved and worried. At the sight though, he had to smile. Yondu was entertaining Vito with a trinket, dangling it just above his reach and Vito seemed to be eating it up. The first mate even almost felt bad to wreak the cute moment. He also knew they couldn't spend all day in here, that's ruin the whole point of the little day and Kraglin had something very big planned.
He hesitantly stepped forward, "Ok, bubby, let's get you dressed. I got the cutest little outfit for you!" 
Vito blinked slightly looking to him and squealed softly, he at least was in a better mood. Kraglin smiled at the thought. He even assumed he was back in little space, it was worth a shot.
"Well someone's a happy boy, does that mean no more fits over a diaper?" this made Vito tense, he whined covering his ears.
"Nooohooo! No diapeeerrr! I'm big boy!!"
"Ok, ok," Kraglin replied quickly to settle him, "Ok, Vi, no diaper," he agreed, "I just wanted to be sure, sugar plum, come here, I'll getcha dressed," Vito pouted a little but after a moment's hesitation, he crawled closer, "what a good, big boy, now, arms up!" Vito giggled and happily threw his arms up.
Kraglin striped the shirt off of him humming softly, he then started to put the shirt he had picked out on him. Then replaced the still dry diaper with the pull up, and finally the shorts, he then did the socks and shoes. He pulled himself back up to his feet.
"There we go, bubby, all dressed up and adorable," he cooed gently, Vito giggled again as Kraglin handed him his prized bear. Vito hugged onto the toy immediately. Kraglin chuckled, he unzipped his jumpsuit which he wore pretty much all the time, tying it around his waist revealing a white, or mostly white, tank top underneath. Yondu growled feeling his face trying to heat up in a blush.
"Are we ready to go now?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest, Kraglin glanced over and nodded to him, making sure he had the makeshift diaper bag.
"Sure are, sir, Vi, do you want me or your papa to carry you?" he hummed gently.
Vito shook his head, "No, I don't wanna be carried. Wanna walk, I'm a big boy," he grumbled. Kraglin almost offered up an argument of how little boys needed to be carried but Yondu's words beat him with the complete opposite.
"A'right, boy, ya can walk, but, if ya end up needing the diaper, you're gonna be carried the rest of the trip. Too little to miss the potty, too little to walk. We don't want ya tripping and getting a boo boo," Vito beamed a little.
"Can walk! I can, daddy and papa!" he assured. Kraglin didn't like the thought but he couldn't argue now. Though hearing the sweet little name warmed his heart, he didn't utter a word though so he may hopefully slip up a little more.
"Ok, but baby, please at least take my hand," Vito pouted a little but the moment he slid off the bed and toddled, it seemed like a safer choice so he did so without complaint. Yondu chuckled a bit.
"A'right, let's go get our merry gang and we'll be on our way," he ruffled Vito's hair. The three headed out. Oblo, Tullk, and Horuz were all already waiting. Vito looked around used to loud chatter, the soundless halls reminded him of himself running off and it wasn't fun.
"M-ma- um, mean, Krags, why's it so quiet?"
"Everyone else already left, baby," he explained, "we wanted you to be able to come out here without worry of mean bullies."
Vito hummed curiously. Soon enough, they reached the door, "Aww look at how cute he is!" Oblo gushed, Kraglin smiled, this was what Vito needed.
"Yes he is very cute, what do we tell Oblo, bubby?"
Vito shyly wiggled but still smiled bright and happy, "Thank you!"
Horuz rolled his eyes but Tullk took notice of the lack of mispronounced words, and while it really wasn't a big deal it threw Tullk off. Still, he went along with it.
"Well, we best get going," Tullk nodded, he and Horuz nearly out the door when Vito spoke up.
"Waaaiiiiiit! What about b..breakfast?" Kraglin smiled a bit more.
"We're gonna eat at a restaurant, baby. Isn't that great?" Vito's eyes lit up.
"Yeah! Like eating out!"
"Well, let's go on before it gets too crowded there's a lot to do today," they walked around, Vito was in awe of it all, as he looked around. Unlike when he was younger though, he managed to keep quiet and to himself, Bonnie always had to coax him to be quieter as to not accidentally offend anyone.
What delighted Kraglin was he seemed to be showing more and more of his little side as they walked and looked. He had to use his other hand to latch onto Kraglin's shirt and arm more times than he could count to keep himself from falling. The group of 6 soon enough reached a restaurant.
It wasn't very big, it's roof was painted a red and yellow in a striped pattern. The building itself was made of a concrete like matter, very hard and cold to the touch, one half was painted blue while the other was painted green. Two wide windows were in the front revealing tables, chairs, and booths, as well as anything else restaurants had like counters and menus.
Everyone looked put off by the colors except for the first mate, finally, Yondu glanced to Kraglin, "What is this place? We seriously ain't gonna eat here, are we?" he mumbled. Kraglin huffed rolling his eyes.
"I looked into it this morning, sir, this is the best kid's restaurant around. I agree color choosing could've been better but, this is about getting Vito back into little space. Little kid stuff only," he replied in his own mumble. Yondu went to further protest but then he saw Kraglin's big, blue puppy eyes, then, how could he possibly say no? He sighed but started to enter, Tullk grinned a bit at how easily Yondu gave into Kraglin. The older ravager, who was mostly aware of what plans Kraglin had set up, already had his own, the two would get some romantic alone time soon enough.
They entered, while Vito didn't sit in a highchair he did agree to sit in Yondu's lap. He did at least compromise to be fed the pastry he got. It was filled with strawberries, he didn't even know that outter space had strawberries! He also let Yondu help him with the cup of milk he got. It was absolute bliss as all the words that left everyone, excluding Horuz who would snort or roll his eyes, was praises. He was actually starting to feel a little bit better, a little more.... little.
Eventually they all finished with their food, "Vi, do you wanna try to go potty?" Kraglin gently asked, "Cause you don't need to use the pull up, remember?"
Vito hummed softly shaking his head, "Nu uh, don't need to go-go, daddy!" he squeaked.
"Ya don't wanna try? It's a long while til we reach a bathroom," Tullk cautioned.
Vito shook his head again, "Nu uh! I'll be ok! Can hold it!" the adults traded uneasy looks. It was Horuz sho finally shrugged and stood up.
"If the kid says he can handle it, let him handle it. Let's just get this over with."
More uneasy looks were traded but they all eventually gave in. Kraglin led them all out, he was the one with all the plans. It was a rather long walk but soon enough a cotton candy painted store came into view. It had a sign next to the building, it had a pink and blue baby rattle next to yellow words written in loopy like letters 'Little Loves'.
Vito stared a moment, mouth open a few moments, "Well baby doll, whatcha think?" Kraglin softly asked, bending down and rubbing his hair back. Vito couldn't form words but soon enough tears flooded up in his eyes and he started hiccuping. Suddenly, he hugged onto Kraglin starting to sob. It took everyone by surprise.
"Aww, V, dontcha like it?" Oblo asked gently, utterly concerned. Vito sniffled, pulling out of Kraglin's shoulder once he could muster out a reply, even if a short one.
"Y-yeah! Wove it!"
"Why're you cryin then?" the pink skinned male asked gently, Yondu looked equally concerned, as did Kraglin, Got us could've cared less, Tullk however, managed to catch on. He chuckled a bit.
"Ya like it so much yer cryin? Is that the case?" Vito sniffled again but nodded, rubbing his eye.
"Awww, baby," Kraglin cooed, gently bouncing him, "it's ok. Don't cry, I'm so happy to hear you like it, sweetie but we can't go in with you bawlin like this, ok? Can you calm down for me?" it took Vito a few minutes to calm back down, with the assistance of his hair being played with and Kraglin's bouncing and sweet words from mostly everyone in the group. Kraglin wiped up the last few tears Vito had and kissed his forehead for good measure.
"There, dumpling, are we better?" Vito sniffled and nodded. Kraglin went to let go of him but Vito clung on tighter, this worried Kraglin, since the little had been so insistent on walking.
"What's wrong Vi?" Kraglin gently asked. Vito sniffled, not loosening his hold.
"W-wan mama to howd m-me," he insisted, nuzzling into him. This made Kraglin perk up as Yondu chuckled.
"Does this mean we have our baby boy back?" he asked the little softly. Vito hesitated as if debating that himself.
"Kinda, I feew wittle bu' not as wittle as I no'mawwy do..."
"How old do ya feel, lad?" Tullk asked gently. Vito's brows knotted together, "Um.... wike.... wike two an hawf, maybe twee...? Mos'y two..." he mumbled clearly unsure himself. Kraglin and Yondu paused but slowly nodded.
"However old you feel," Kraglin ensured, "as long as I got my baby boy again in someway," he gently cooed, "now, do you wanna go in?" Vito paused once more before nodding, "Yeah, go in," he softly mumbled. Kraglin smiled so greatful the plan was working so well. They all entered, Horuz being the most begruding. Vito was in love, all the baby outfits, it was utter bliss. He felt like a little prince!
Kraglin brought him over to whatever he wanted to look at, as well as a few things he himself wanted to look. Yondu tagged along, offering a few ideas of his own for outfits. Tullk kept his distance. Not out of rudeness but he really got to see the big picture that way and it was a precious sight for sure. Oblo looked around curiously at it all, especially the toys. Horuz at first was admittedly bored and rude but the more he looked the more he'd occasionally comment on his own input of an outfit, most were embarrassing but one or two ended up getting taken in.
It all was going well until, without realizing it, Vito felt his shorts get wet.

(A/N: Took a bit longer than I hoped but here it is! 2,467 words. Any case, a few things. First, there's a digital version of one of my drawings done by myself, it was loosely inspired by it. But more importantly I want your all's opinions on stuff. I know I ask that a lot but that's because I love comments and simply hearing your guys opinions on stuff.
Firstly, I need help with nicknames. I have stuff for Kraglin (Vi, baby, bubby, baby doll, dumpling...) but not much for characters like Tullk, Oblo, Horuz, and Yondu (though I've been thinking of one for Yondu being Little blue) but if you have any suggestions for these characters please let me know!
Secondly, I've debated long and hard on this, some books like this do a Q/A and..... is that something you all would be interested in reading and participating in? All opinions on this would be greatly appriciated. I'll get the next chapter out asap! I hope you all have a great day/night!)

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