No. No. No. No. No. (15)

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Vito whimpered with a bit of a cough from so many harsh sobs leaving him, the pacifier hung loosely from the shirt, "P-pa-apa, nooo," he insisted, this earning some snickers from the crew.
"Aww, just like a real baby. Sobbin over a wet diaper and all," Taserface sneered, smirking clearly proud of his teasing statement. Especially after it got the laughter and taunts going once more.
Yondu ignored the male keeping his finger pointed to the spot,  "I said here now. If I gotta come get ya you're really not gonna like what comes after," he promised. Vito whimpered again, a quieter, weaker cry leaving him. He looked up to Kraglin flashing a pleading look for help but he knew there wasn't much that the first mate could do, nothing that'd come out good whether the end result being Yondu yelling at one or both of them or more jokes of Vito not being able to fight his own battles. Because he didn't get enough of those as is.
So, slowly, he headed towards Yondu, knees and steps shaky, he wasn't even fully looking where he was going, rather, trying to wipe away his tears, possibly, hopefully, clear up his vision in the process.
Yondu hummed pulling Vito down once he reached him, starting to pull off the wet shorts, still, he didn't do so too roughly, embarrassment was enough. He didn't have intentions to actually hurt his son, just show him what happens when you decide to use the diaper like a baby for revenge. Still, even with him handling him fairly gently, he did use the opportunity to further fluster Vito. The boy's cheeks were a deep mix of purple and red by now likely due to the fact he'd wet a diaper in front of the entire crew and the fact he was crying, rather harshly so.
"Oh don't cry, Diddly-Bear, papa will get you in a dry diapee," this statement only made Vito sob harder but he covered his face in attempt to muffle and hide it.
Yondu merely hummed, "We can play in a moment, Bitsy-boo," he promised as though Vito covering his face was a request to play peek-a-boo. The father didn't fully recall how the game worked, and why babies liked it so much had always been a mystery to him. All he knew was it had something to do with covering faces and gasping out peek-a-boo and, for some bizzar reason, the baby laughed at it. 
He never got an actual chance to play it with Vito, a three day old could only brokenly babble, cry, drink from a bottle, wiggle, use their diapers, and maybe open their eyes if you were lucky enough for that. He untapped the diaper and wiped him clean before rolling up the wet diaper, calling out as he did, "Sure seems somebody needed to go potty, it's practically soaked!"
He then sat it aside, all the while ignoring the crew member's laughter, he slid the new one on him and looked around realizing he left the powder, for a moment he considered simply skipping it but then it hit him that with it, Vito would smell like a baby to accompany his looks. That helped him make up his mind.
"Darn, seems I forgot the baby's powder, one of ya wouldn't mind to get it, wouldja?" he smirked as a few raced off to do so, others stayed in here hoping the captain would further distress the boy. Well, who was Yondu to disappoint?
He grabbed one of Vito's wrists and the teething bracelet. The bracelet was a bit transparent, filled with something similiar to Terran ice but improved with galactic technology so that it didn't melt, the plastic around the icy like blocks inside kept it from freezing the boy's wrist though; it matched the clip in color though it was more of a dulled green instead of a pastel and had a small charm hanging off of it, a baby bottle, put there by the company for their brand name.
Yondu slipped it onto his wrist before grabbing the pacifier which had been laying on Vito's torso previously, "Here, have this, it'll quiet ya til I'm done," he assured, slipping it in his mouth. Vito didn't suck on it though. Instead, the paci laid limply against Vito's mouth which was opened enough for cries and hiccups and whines to leave him. The crew snickered a bit at seeing Yondu go for the rattle next, gently shaking it above Vito.
"Lookie here, Munchkin, look at the pretty rattle," he smirked faintly, "don't it sound nice?" he kept back a sigh. This was becoming less and less fun the more the bawling filled moments stretched on. Sure, he wanted the kid to learn his lesson but the cries, by now, were bothering him, it gave him the weird, indescribable feeling to just comfort him, to scoop him up and shield him from the world. He couldn't though, not without looking soft, not without tarnishing his reputation.
Much to his relief, a few slcsme running in with the powder, Gef handed it to him, some how the fool managed to keep a hold of it better than anyone else.
Yondu took it, after sittingthe rattle aside, sprinkling it onto him and finally tapping up the diaper. He lifted him up, it was then Vito noticed the lack of new shorts. He whimpered swallowing sobs back, he really was trying to calm himself down. Yondu attempted to help the process by running a hand through his hair, Vito at least eased at that.
Yondu glanced to the crew, "Well, we land soon, go on!" reluctantly people started filing out, he then turned his gaze to his son, "Did ya learn a lesson, son?"
Vito hiccuped a little, "I-I didn't need a l-lesson!" he argued scrubbing at his eyes. Yondu narrowed his eyes.
"Uh huh, because wetting your diaper wasn't a bratty form of payback,"  he retorted.
"It wasn't!" Vito sniffled, "I tried to tell you like 5 times but I kept getting cut off! The bathrooms are locked and I don't have a key unlike everybody else! You wouldn't listen to me!" Yondu paused, letting it sink in, thinking to before the accident. He actually felt guilt rise up, so the kid did try.
He sighed, "Next time try harder," was all that came out, he wasn't ever good at apologises but maybe he could make it up to him, pick him up a few things after the mission. A few new trinkets and candy. That sounded suitable, he wasn't sure how else to make it up to him after all.
He hummed softly to the tune he knew Bonnie sung to Vito when he was a few simple days old, You Are My Sunshine. Vito hiccupped softly, but did at least cuddle closer, Yondu continued also bringing his hand up finally starting to rub his hair rather than simply brush through it. Vito lacked the Centuarian fin that most were born with which made his head and hair a lot more sensitive. This made gentle actions delightful while harsher ones hurt more than usual. Yondu didn't know everything but he knew that much. He wasn't expecting it to  work so well though. The sobs left the boy a few minutes longer but slowly he soothed.
Despite this, Vito was still sniffling, still whimpering, Yondu didn't like this. He figured, while they still had a hour or so to spare, he'd let him go little, and sure, he could let him stay little, he was a bit tempted to, but a little shouldn't be trusted on a ravager ship alone. However, he could find some little kids toys for him too to help him go little when he got back too. Yes, the plan was coming together quite nicely.
"But.... maybe papa was a bit hard on ya, yer just a little baby, too little to hold it," he hummed mumbling softly to him. He turned, these morons shouldn't need anything more explained to them, still, he flashed Kraglin a look which earned a slightly disappointed look, but he nodded in understanding. Yondu snorted, it seemed Vito had his first mate wrapped around his little finger.
He started to carry his son to his room, looking down to him, "Do I have my little boy? Hmm, do I?"
Vito peeked up, dried tears on his cheeks, Vito sniffled, "Mean papa... mean," he whimpered. Yondu sighed as he nodded gently.
"I know, I know, papa didn't listen, I didn't know you needed to potty.... but, it's ok. You're just a little boy, too little for a big toilet, son," he explained gently, "next time I'll listen better, though, ok?" Vito sniffled again and nodded.
"Kay..... fought you say I not able to be wittle, papa?"
"Hmm... I changed my mind, we got a hour to spend and after that, I'd say ya need some time bein little, yeah?" Vito nodded a second time, "Yeah, I'd say so. Well, you're in luck, papa will let you while we got time, what does my baby boy wanna do?" he asked reaching the room and opening the door. Vito rubbed his eyes but shrugged.
"I dunno, papa," he mumbled.
Yondu hummed knowing he was still upset, but he had plenty to try and cheer him up, "Maybe ya wanna color, play with Lest-ther, do ya want papa to tell ya a story, maybe? Would that be fun?" he offered trying to cheer him up. Vito nodded slightly, though he wasn't quite sure which one he was agreeing to. He sat down on the bed with him, having shut the door so nobody could walk by and see his attempt of coddling his son back to a cheerful mood.
"Yes to which one, son?" he hummed gently, kissing his forehead.
"Towy papa," he pleaded nuzzling close.
Yondu took a few moments to decide if he wanted a story or toys, but at the little starting to whimper and fuss he chose that a story, whether that was what he wanted or not, it'd lull him to sleep which also would mean he wouldn't have to pull him out of little space, it seemed like a great idea.
"Once upon a time there was a..... very handsome little boy. This lil boy was a strong pirate," he smiled softly seeing him seem to peek up, "he was the best pirate ever born.... but, he was still very little, so he couldn't do a lot of what other pirates could and that made him sad....." he was slightly amused to see him frowning again, "aww, now what's that look fer, little blue?"
"Da pi'ate sad, papa...." he whimpered past the pacifier, Yondu hummed as he nodded.
"Yeah, but I ain't done with the story. Ya gonna keep listening?" Vito hesitated as he nodded, "A'right, so, the lil pirate was sad. One night, with his paci and stuffie a magical, tough lookin genie came to him. This genie wasn't like most though, it only granted one wish. The lil pirate thought hard and hard to figure out what to wish for," he was relieved, equally as glad, to see his son's smile again, even more relieved to see his eyes starting to get the sleepy look. Yondu hummed softly, grabbing his holopad to send Kraglin a message to come in here to get a bottle to fix some warm milk for Vito, he hoped the use of a baby bottle would be more soothing for Vito, and who knows, maybe seeing each other would comfort them both.
"Finally, it hit him. He wanted someone bigger than him, someone stronger to help him, to protect him. With a smile, the genie granted him the wish. The lil pirate was so thrilled to see the bigger pirate, he hugged him. The bigger pirate took care of the lil one and together they were able to do what all the pirates could do and more and they lived happily ever after....." his voice slowly lacked off just as the door opened revealing Kraglin.
Yondu flashed him a small smile, Kraglin returned it as he got the baby bottle, the first mate was going to quietly sneak away but it seemed some little lavander eyes caught him, "Mama?" Vito mumbled, childish voice slurred and sleepy. Yondu quickly bounced his son, shushing him.
"Krags is just gettin you a bottle, son. He'll be right back. Yer gonna have a nice nappy while we do the job," he explained gently. Vito, however fussed softly at the news.
"Now, none of that," he stated as Kraglin carefully slipped out of the room, "I told ya that you were staying on the ship. The nap is to ensure you're in lil space when I get back, ok?"
Vito huffed poutily but nodded, laying his head against Yondu's shoulder, "Yeah...."
Yondu hummed gently kissing his forehead, "Yeah," he agreed in a mumble. He started laying Vito into the bed, he started wondering if a crib would be better, he'd look into it later. Right now, he had a sleepy little boy to lay down for sleep. He tucked him in and made sure Lest-ther was right there with him.
Kraglin came back in with the bottle, he smiled warmly down at Vito, very gently pulling the pacifier from his mouth and instead replacing it with the bottle tip, holding it until Vito managed to have a good grasp on it. He rubbed his hair back a moment or two, he certainly seemed to be a natural at this parenting stuff but Yondu didn't have time to think too much on it. They had a job to do.
"Alright, squirt, nighty night. Sleep tight. We'll be back later," Yondu called ushering Kraglin to the door. He turned the lights out as he passed and shut the door on the way.
"Sir? Are ya sure leaving the kid alone is a good idea?" Kraglin asked quietly as they walked. Yondu scoffed dismissively at the first mate's concern.
"He's a baby, what's he gonna do? You're worryin too much, Krags, lighten up!"
Unknown to them, Stakar's ship was landed on the same planet.

(A/N: Soooooo, good luck for you all, next update should be really, really soon, in the next day or two (maybe four days at the very longest) because I've been planning this for a while so I'm excited to write it.
One thing I've been meaning to ask the last 3 chapters is do you prefer Kraglin be called mama or daddy, I've heard both and while I'm a personal fan of the mama, I want your all's opinions as I like hearing them and you're all the one reading it.
Also, I'd like to cover Stakar's entrance into the book as he's not a popular character. I intend to include a picture of him in the next chapter from the movie. For those who aren't aware, Stakar is the main ravager leader, he's also the one who freed Yondu from a life of slavery and serves as a father figure for him. There are plenty of fanfics covering deeper into their relationship that I would suggest you read (it is not necessary though this is purely, only if you want more of an understanding between Yondu and Stakar (a good one to go by is looking up Stakar & Yondu on Ao3)). Any case, that's all I have, enjoy the chapter and have a good day/night!)

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