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Sunday came and Namjoon (along with Lisa) brought Yoongi, Jimin, and Hobi to their mom's house to swap kids.

"Toaster is mine" was the first thing Taehyung said to Jimin, whose eyes got wide.

"Nuh uh! I'm the one who found her!"

The two argued amongst themselves, not hearing the slamming of a car door in the driveway.

"Well Toaster stays here so you aren't getting her," Jimin said, crossing his arms. "You can't have-"

Yoongi slapped a hand over Jimin's mouth, and Jimin's first reaction was to wince, then glare at Yoongi, then pale as he took in the situation.

"Hello," their step-father said, a briefcase in his hand, coolly looking over the small crowd on his doorstep.

"Oh, hi," their mom said, blinking and hesitating before putting on a tight smile. "You got off of work early?"

He nodded before looking back at Yoongi and Jimin. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Yoongi said, removing his hand from Jimin's mouth.

"Why were you covering his mouth?" their step-father asked with a frown.

"Because..." Yoongi fumbled for an explanation that didn't expose the kitten they weren't supposed to have. "Because he was going to say a really bad word."

Their step-father stared at Yoongi, and even though Namjoon, Lisa, their mom, and all of their brothers were there, Yoongi still felt afraid.

In the end, their step-father didn't linger to interrogate Yoongi and instead went inside the house with a slight nod toward Namjoon.

Once he was gone, the three triplets and their mom all breathed out at once, and Namjoon's brow furrowed.

"You c-can't mention Toaster around h-him, okay?" Jimin told Tae quietly, and Tae frowned at him.

"Why not? Is he allergic or something?"

"No, just, y-you can't, okay? Promise me, T-Tae."

Tae nodded, still frowning. "Okay...? I won't mention Toaster if he's here?"

Jimin exhaled. "Okay, thank you."

"Why does it matter though?" Tae asked before looking around at all of his brothers' faces. "You guys are coming to live with us soon anyway."

Jimin looked at Hobi.

Hobi looked at Yoongi.

Yoongi looked first at their mom, then at Namjoon. "Well...until then, at least..."

Tae nodded but clearly wasn't satisfied with Yoongi's answer. Namjoon looked down. Their mom looked at Yoongi, an expression on her face that Yoongi couldn't easily identify.

Whatever moment was going on, it ended the second Jungkook jumped on Yoongi's back.

"What the he- heck?!" Yoongi shouted, twisting his neck to glare at Jungkook. "Get off of me, bunny boy!"

"Nuh uh, hyung owes me a piggy-back ride!"

"Your hyung owes you nothing!" Yoongi retorted, trying to shake Jungkook loose. "How much do you weigh, anyway?! It feels like I'm carrying a horse!"

"I, for one, am offended," Hobi said gravely. "Are you calling me fat?"

Yoongi bared his teeth at Hobi, who burst out laughing and put an arm around Jimin to support himself.

"C'mon, Kookie, let go of Yoongi before you break his spine," Jin said, chuckling lightly, but Jungkook just took the opportunity to wrap his legs around Yoongi's waist.

Single Father • Namjoon + BTS!KidsWhere stories live. Discover now