Chapter 9

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A/N: This chapter is a little more violent then the last few, if you don't think you can handle it you can skip by it if you want. Anyway Enjoy! (edited)

Location: Undertale

I gave Papyrus my throat being weird excuse and gave him an esophagus pun. Something like I esophagus you should head you your station, something similar to that anyway and I went to the Undyne's house and knocked on her door.

"Oh hey Pap you're— what do you want Sans?" Undyne's cheerful look quickly changed to one of annoyance when she saw me. I cleared my throat and faked some coughs.

"Oh wElL I cAme tO tElL YoU thAT a mUrdErUoS HuMaN wAs SpOttEd In ThE RuInS, BuT iF yoU doN'T wAnT mE aRoUnD I guESs YOu Don'T cArE aBout GeTTinG ouT Of hERe." I said and coughed a bit more as I turned and walked away from Undyne.

I heard Undyne growl, she slammed he door and broke several things and then she bolted out to me in full metal armor. I laughed a bit 'Undyne's are so easy to convince.' I thought as I covered up the laughs with coughs. Undyne left a note on her door letting Papyrus know that his Cooking lessons were canceled until she got back.

"Sans? How did you hear of this human in the Ruins?" Undyne asked, I ignored her concern that was starting to show up in her eyes as I coughed more before I answered. I shrugged my shoulders.

"i hAve my wAys UndYnE." I said and she was annoyed with me again. My disguise glitched, but I don't think Undyne saw, because my hood was up.

"hOW aboUt a ShoRT cuT?" I asked Undyne, but before she could answer, I grabbed her arm and dragged her behind her house and we emerged out the forest in front of the Ruins door. Undyne gave me a strange look.

"How did you do that Sans?" She asked me seeming impressed.

"do wHaT?" I smiled, I coughed more, Undyne growled at me.

"Never mind. How are we going to get to the human?" Undyne bursted out.

"wE waRN TorIeL oF cOUrSe." I looked at Undyne with a sly smile.

"TORIEL?! AS IN QUEEN TORIEL?! ASGORE'S EX?!" Undyne screeched. I nodded.

"sO?" I smiled. 'Undynes are so funny at times.' I though as I covered up more laughs.

"SO?! WE HAVE TO TELL ASGORE SO!!" Undyne yelled, I grabbed her wrist.

"whaT dO yOu wAnT morE frEedOm fOr All MonsTeRs or A QuEen wHo waNTs NotHinG tO dO wiTh yOur King?" I asked her. I know it was a little harsh, but it was true. Undyne froze she was in deep thought. Undyne put her head down

"Freedom." She said it as if she were admitting defeat to me. I released her wrist and looked at Alphys' camera and shook my head no. I hoped she wouldn't tell Asgore either. I walked to the Ruins Doors and knock on it. I coughed a bit and waited five seconds before I knocked again.

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