Chapter 28

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A/N: (this is just venting) Yay... my mother asked me to read her this story! And she said she loved it, but she thinks I should put my talents into writing my own stories instead of Fanfiction. But I wouldn't know where to start and I would have to make my own characters and all that... ehhhhhhh. My step-dad said he was impressed by this story because there words he didn't think I knew, 😒 thanks Dad... they didn't understand a single word, but they loved how it... flowed. It's not like I don't have characters, but I would have to develop them more... (venting over) I just read over some of my story and I saw so many mistakes, like missing words, misspelled words, and words in the wrong order, that was just the first chapter ha ha 😆! I'll fix it tomorrow, if I can remember to anyway, welp I'm going to start the chapter now... The lil cute bean up there, I didn't draw him, but he is so cute!! Hope you enjoy the chapter my lil Penne noodles!

Location: Some AU
Mission: wHa-at d-d-do yOU ca-c-cARe?

Ink was chasing me down when he found me again. He refused to apologize to me and I didn't expect him to. Ink had stricken me with his thick liquid, I believe is called paint, several times and each time got it stuck inside my cracked making me scream as the paint burned my bones. Ink seemed not to care when I screamed, but when it happened the first time he hit me seemed so scared when I screamed soon he just blocked it out. He ignored my screams, that was worse than the voices because the voice screamed back at me.

Whenever he found me in an AU he would chase me down and I wouldn't have enough time to get my strings to open the code and the Voices blamed me!! I would be beaten more if I blamed Ink.

I teleported to the Ruins and opened the code as quickly as I could. I yanked my strings just in time for Ink to find me. He attacked me and was on top of me when the AU started crumbling.

"YOU MONSTER KILLING INNOCENTS JUST BECAUSE NOBODY WOULD HELP YOU! A LONELY, PATHETIC, AND INSANE SKELETON!!" Ink screamed as he attacked me. I cried out in pain as the paint entered my wounds I didn't want to get in trouble for hitting Ink. I pushed him off of me when I heard a portal open up. I opened at portal to another random AU and looked behind me. To see blue strings retreating I looked around panicking like an animal and I found myself if a UnderSwap AU. Ink saw where I was and I closed the portal.

I ran to Hotland and I tripped in the snow making some snow go into my eye sockets. I pushed myself up and continued to run, I was too scared to teleported not wanting to end up in a rock or wall. Ink was quick and teleported to me I jumped back and screamed as he stabbed me with the end of his paint brush.

I heard someone scream out his name and I grabbed his brush and pushed it away from me. Ink was suddenly tackled and I pushed myself away from the two of the fighting. I slipped and my arm twisted off.

I panicked as Ink stood up and walked towards me. I dragged myself away from him, I was so scared suddenly he was shoved to the right and I heard his skull crack o the impact.

The tall skinny skeleton walked towards me and I backed away.

"I won't hurt you." He said and I couldn't drag myself anymore so I curled up in a ball and waited to be kicked. But instead he picked me up and carried me to the lab that was in Hotlands. I cried in the ball I was still in as we entered the building.

Location: UnderSwap
Mission: Not now!

I carried the mangled and bleeding monster in my arms. The moment I entered the Lab Undyne screamed when she saw the monster causing him to flinch and... glitch?

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