Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey guys so Yay I finished another Chapter! Just for you! I hope you enjoy it anyway! The song is called Falling in the Black, I don't know anything other than that.

Location: Undertale

I finally finished putting that dumb disguise on and walked out of Sans' room before Paps could bust down the door. I asked Papyrus if he would make me something to eat, so we could walk to my station together. Which is something that Sans never does with Pap, well when he is awake anyway. Papyrus had happily agreed.

He even invited Undyne over too because he would be a little late for guard practice if he started to make food now. Undyne had enthusiastically agreed and headed this way, which seemed kinda unlike her. I knew she liked to cook, but I wouldn't think she would come here first thing in the morning to cook, unless she had something to talk about. Undynes, so predictable.

This was the part of the Reset where everything is different before the human fell here, the monster's actions usually change, but the actions all led up to the same type of interactions no matter what when the human arrives. I sure Fate did this so the monsters that remembered wouldn't go insane, but that doesn't work for everyone, DustaleSans is a great example of that.

All I really had to do was wait for Frisk or Chara to come. Which wasn't hard to do, and I liked the idea of waiting for them to come and I don't have to fight. And I don't have that many complications.

I leaned back in the chair I was in and positioned my feet to cling on to the edge of the table so I wouldn't fall. Papyrus snapped at me several times to get my chair on the floor, then he literally came in and fixed it for me. Only for me to end up in the same position. I was extremely relaxed and comfortable when Undyne startled me by knocking on our front door extra loud.

It was like she knew I would be in that chair because when she knocked I fell backwards in the chair and did several back rolls into a sitting position that was right in front of the door. Papyrus gave me an 'I told you so' look and he went back to cooking.

"SANS WOULD YOU MIND GETTING THE DOOR WHILE YOU'RE THERE?" Papyrus asked me as he rolled each 'r' with such refinery.

I have to agree I'm quite jealous that Sans has a brother like Papyrus, I would do literally anything for a brother like him or a brother at all really.

"sUrE BrO." I said and Pap had that strange look on his face again. I don't know what he was so worried about, was that a worried face? I don't know.

I turned the knob of the door, and Undyne opened the rest of it making the whole house rumble a bit. The door almost got be, I would have been flatter than a pancake if I didn't move when I did.

Undyne was fully expecting to see Papyrus, but saw me instead. She gave me a fake smile, or was it a sneer? She called out for Papyrus and I answered for him. Undyne gave me a stiff thank you and breezed past me to the kitchen.

I don't know why Undyne doesn't like Sans much, maybe his puns, or the fact that he might have dated Alphys a long time ago, like a really long time ago. But long story short the relationship didn't end so well and Undyne well she stuck her nose where it didn't belong and made the whole problem worse like Undynes sometimes do. With the idea of solving everything with violence. But the dating thing was only a rumor and Sans, Undyne, nor Alphys would never confirm it.

I really need to ketchup with Undernovela. Maybe they will do another fan special! I'll definitely sign up for it! The idea made me smile.

I walked to my chair and picked it up. I quickly sat in it and listened to Undyne's and Pap's conversation. He was telling Undyne about my fall when she knocked on the door. She laughed when Pap finished explaining.

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