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Clark Kent is sitting in a church asking God for forgiveness.

Clark Kent is sitting in a church asking God for forgiveness

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Clark Kent says forgive me father for I have sinned... I killed my pregnant wife, I became evil and then good again, and I tried to have myself killed. Clark Kent says God can you please forgive me?!! Clark Kent prays. Lois Lane's ghost suddenly appears. Lois Lane's ghost says Clark I forgive you for killing me and for what you did to the justice league!! Lois Lane's ghost disappears. DarkSeid walks towards justice league headquarters.

Clark Kent flies towards him as superman and says is this man still bothering you?!! Clark Kent hits DarkSeid really hard in the face with his left hand causing DarkSeid to go flying backwards and hit the ground really hard. Harley Quinn from earth 38 uses a little device that she stole from Cisco to create a portal into earth 1. Harley Quinn walks through the portal and into earth 1.

Harley Quinn walks up to Plastic Man and says your cute?!!

Harley Quinn grabs Plastic Man and kisses him passionately on the lips

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Harley Quinn grabs Plastic Man and kisses him passionately on the lips. Batwoman walks up to Harley Quinn and grabs her by her hair with her right hand. Batwoman angrily says what are you doing here?!!!! Harley Quinn says oh it only hurts when I laugh!!! Batwoman angrily pulls on Harley Quinn's hair. Harley Quinn says okay okay?!!... I'm here because I wanna help!!!!

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