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Collin Reisenauer says now we are going to film the next scene which has Bruce Wayne and Terry McGinnis being chased by 2 criminals. Ben Affleck and Tony Garcia follow Collin Reisenauer to the next filming location which is part of the Warner brothers back lot that has been turned into an area in Gotham city. Tony Garcia gets back on the motorcycle. Ben Affleck gets on the back of the motorcycle. All of the extras who are in the scene get into their positions. 2 unknown actors who are portraying the 2 criminals get into a car that is parked in the street. Collin Reisenauer yells action!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Tony Garcia starts driving.

Tony Garcia pretends to notice the 2 unknown actors

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Tony Garcia pretends to notice the 2 unknown actors. The 2 unknown actors start driving really fast towards Tony Garcia and Ben Affleck. Tony Garcia quickly drives faster. The 2 unknown actors are suddenly right next to the motorcycle. Ben Affleck quickly sticks his left hand through the window of the passenger side of the car and hits the unknown actor who is sitting in the passenger seat really hard in the face. The 2 unknown actors grab Ben Affleck and pull him into the car. Ben Affleck hits the unknown actor who is driving really hard in the face. Tony Garcia continues to drive.

Ben Affleck quickly pulls one of the batarangs out of his pocket and stabs the unknown actor who is in the passenger seat in the head

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Ben Affleck quickly pulls one of the batarangs out of his pocket and stabs the unknown actor who is in the passenger seat in the head. Ben Affleck kicks the unknown actor who is driving really hard in the face. The unknown actor hits the car horn really hard face first and pretends to be knocked out. Ben Affleck climbs out of the car through the window of the passenger side of the car. The car crashes right into a fire hydrant causing it to go off. Water shoots everywhere.

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