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Collin Reisenauer and Tony Garcia drive to the Dracula set. The makeup guy dies Collin Reisenauer's hair gray. The prop guy puts the pair of glasses on Collin Reisenauer. The main costume guy puts a different Dr. Van Helsing outfit on Collin Reisenauer. The makeup guy does Tony Garcia's hair. The main costume guy puts the Renfield outfit on Tony Garcia. Luke Evans walks up to Collin Reisenauer as Dracula wearing a fancy suit. Collin Reisenauer, Tony Garcia, and Luke Evans all follow Gary Shore to the next filming location which is the London opera house. Christoph Waltz walks up to Collin Reisenauer as Dr. Seward. Hugh Jackman walks up to Collin Reisenauer as Jonathon Harker. Emily Blunt walks up to Collin Reisenauer as Mina. Anne Hathaway walks up to Collin Reisenauer as miss Weston. Christoph Waltz, Hugh Jackman, Emily Blunt, and Anne Hathaway all sit in one of the booths that are on the top balcony of the London opera houses theater. Luke Evans stands right outside of the booth. Tony Garcia stands out of the camera's view. Alison Brie who is portraying the random London opera house employee stands next to Luke Evans. Collin Reisenauer stands out of the camera's view. Gary Shore yells action!!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Alison Brie stares at Luke Evans with a blank look on her face. Luke Evans says and after you deliver the message you will remember nothing, I now say.

 Luke Evans says and after you deliver the message you will remember nothing, I now say

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Luke Evans eyes go wide. There is silence for a couple minutes. Luke Evans says obey. Alison Brie turns towards the curtains while still having a blank look on her face and opens them. Alison Brie says Dr. Seward. Christoph Waltz says yes?!! Alison Brie says your wanted on the telephone. Christoph Waltz says well thank you. Christoph Waltz turns towards Hugh Jackman, Emily Blunt, and Anne Hathaway, smiles, and says well excuse me. Christoph Waltz stands up and walks up to the curtains. Luke Evans smiles and says pardon. Christoph Waltz says yes?!! Luke Evans says I could not help overhearing your name, might I inquire if you are the Dr. Seward who sent a letter to Witbee?!! Christoph Waltz says why yes?!! Luke Evans says I am Dracula... I have just leased Carfex Abbey, I understand it joins your grounds!! Christoph Waltz says why yes it does. Christoph Waltz shakes Luke Evans hand while saying I'm very happy to meet your acquaintance!! Christoph Waltz looks at Hugh Jackman, Emily Blunt, and Anne Hathaway. Christoph Waltz says may I present my daughter Mina. Emily Blunt says Dracula. Christoph Waltz says miss Weston. Anne Hathaway says how do you do?!! Christoph Waltz says and Mr. Harker. Hugh Jackman says how do you do?!! Christoph Waltz says Dracula has just taken Carfex Abbey. Emily Blunt says well it will be a relief to see life in those dimble old windows?!!! Christoph Waltz says it will indeed?!! Christoph Waltz says now excuse me. Christoph Waltz walks through the curtains. Gary Shore yells cut that was perfect!!!!!!

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