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The main costume guy takes the Terry McGinnis outfit off of Tony Garcia and puts Tony Garcia's batsuit on him. Tony Garcia follows Collin Reisenauer to the next filming location which is the back entrance of a toy store in New York city. Tony Garcia stands next to the steps that lead into the back of the toy store. The group of unknown actors who are portraying the group of bad guys all get into their positions in the toy store. Kevin Conroy walks up to Tony Garcia and says I want you to show your sense of humor while your fighting them. Kevin Conroy gets out of the cameras view. Collin Reisenauer yells action!!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Tony Garcia walks down the steps and stands in the doorway. The unknown actors are loading toys into bags. Tony Garcia yells hey those don't belong to you!!! Tony Garcia quickly grabs a box and holds it with both of his hands. 2 of the unknown actors walk up to Tony Garcia. Tony Garcia throws the box up in the air. The unknown actor who is on the right of Tony Garcia catches the box. Tony Garcia kicks the unknown actor who is holding the box really hard in gut with his right foot. Tony Garcia quickly kicks the other unknown actor really hard in the face with his right foot. Tony Garcia does a spinning kick with his right foot and kicks the unknown actor really hard in the face. Tony Garcia yells down we go and does a low spinning heel kick with his right foot causing the unknown actor to get swept off his feet and hit the floor really hard. Tony Garcia does a spinning kick with his right foot and kicks the unknown actor who was holding the box really hard in the face causing the unknown actor to hit the floor really hard. Another unknown actor walks up to Tony Garcia. The unknown actor tries to hit Tony Garcia with his right hand but Tony Garcia quickly ducks right underneath the unknown actors right arm causing him to miss. Tony Garcia quickly kicks the unknown actor really hard in the chest with his right foot. Tony Garcia quickly kicks the unknown actor really hard in the face with his right foot. Tony Garcia moves towards the right, leaps upwards, and hits the unknown actor really hard in the chest with his right foot causing the unknown actor to hit the floor really hard. Tony Garcia kicks the unknown actor really hard in the gut with his right foot. The unknown actor gets back up. Tony Garcia yells stay down and quickly kicks the unknown actor really hard in the face with his right foot causing the unknown actor to hit the floor really hard. The group of unknown actors who are portraying the group of bad guys all pretend to be knocked out. Tony Garcia smiles and says well that was easy?!! Tony Garcia grabs a pen and a piece of paper. Tony Garcia writes Batman was here on the piece of paper with the pen and tapes the piece of paper to one of the unknown actor's using a tape-dispenser that is sitting on a counter.

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