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Christoph Waltz says but professor Van Helsing modern medical science does not admit of such a creature, the vampire is a pure myth, superstition?!! Collin Reisenauer says I may be able to bring you proof that the superstition of yesterday can become the scientific reality of today in a very realistic fake English accent. Gary Shore yells cut that was perfect!!!!! Gary Shore says now we a going to film the next scene which has Dr. Van Helsing meeting Mr. Renfield. Collin Reisenauer and Christoph Waltz follow Gary Shore into the room that they are using as Dr. Sewards office. Tony Garcia and the unknown actor both stand in the hallway and wait for their cue. Christoph Waltz sits down at his desk. Collin Reisenauer stands next to him. Gary Shore yells action!!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Christoph Waltz says but professor Renfield's cravings have always been small living things nothing human?!! Collin Reisenauer looks at Christoph Waltz and says as far as we know doctor but you tell me he escapes from his room?!!... He's gone for hours, where does he go in a very realistic fake English accent. The unknown actor and Tony Garcia both walk into the room. Collin Reisenauer looks at Tony Garcia and says well Mr. Renfield you are looking much better than you did this morning when I arrived in a very realistic fake English accent. Tony Garcia says thanks I'm feeling much better. Collin Reisenauer says I am here to help you, you understand that do you not in a very realistic fake English accent. Tony Garcia shakes Collin Reisenauer's right hand with his right hand and says why of course and I am very grateful?!! Collin Reisenauer examines Tony Garcia's right hand. Tony Garcia pulls his right hand away from Collin Reisenauer and angrily says keep your filthy hands to yourself!!! Christoph Waltz says now now Renfield?!! Tony Garcia sadly says oh Dr. Seward send me away from this place send me far away?!! Collin Reisenauer says why are you so anxious to get away in a very realistic fake English accent. Tony Garcia sadly says my cries at night they might disturb miss Mina?!! Collin Reisenauer says yes in a very realistic fake English accent. Tony Garcia looks at Collin Reisenauer and says they might give her bad dreams professor Van Helsing... Bad dreams!! Gary Shore yells cut that was perfect!!!!!

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